Mattress bugs: Smells, new marks on pores and skin and proof discovered on sheets could possibly be warning indicators


Bed bug bites occur at night, which can make identifying an infestation extremely difficult. The tiny insects live in the cracks and crevices in and around mattresses and beds and eat exposed skin or blood. These blood-sucking animals aren’t always obvious until it’s too late. What are the three main signs of a bed bug infestation?

Unusual smell

If you smell a certain odor coming from the bedroom, you may be at risk.

Terminix said on its website, “Like many types of insects, bed bugs release odors known as alarm pheromones.

“If a group of bed bugs is disturbed, you may be able to smell that smell. Odors can come from bed bug feces.

“Other smells could be a coriander smell or a sweet, musty smell.”

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New marks on the skin

The skin can have unusual bites or spots anywhere on the body.

The sores tend to be red and raised and appear suddenly.

Further characteristics are:

  • Itchy
  • Arranged in a rough line or in a cluster
  • Located on the face, neck, arms, and hands

“Some people do not respond to bedbug bites while others are allergic and may include severe itching, blisters, or hives,” adds the Mayo Clinic.

A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is also possible, but rare, says the NHS.


Evidence on the bedspread

If you can’t see actual bugs, you may find clues about them on your bedding and mattress.

Clues can be tiny brown or black spots that could be their dried feces.

You may also notice blood stains, which can occur if you crush a beetle in its sleep after feeding it.

Bed bugs lose their skin as they grow, so you may also notice mottled bed bug shells on and around the bed.

How to get rid of them

If a person suspects they may have an infestation, they must remove all bedding and check very carefully for any signs of insects or their droppings.

Remove the dust caps from the bottom of the box spring beds and examine the seams in the wooden frame.

Peel off the fabric where it may be attached to the wooden frame.

The bed needs to be checked as well, including the carpet edge, around the tables and even in electrical outlets.

It is important to be patient when trying to get rid of bed bugs as it can often take some time and effort.

A person may need to try a few different chemical and non-chemical approaches, especially if the infestation is large.

However, certain factors can make bedbugs more difficult to remove. Clearing a lot of clutter from your home can help.

If a person cannot get rid of bed bugs on their own, they should seek help from a professional exterminator.