Letter to the editor: Republican Celebration ‘termite’ infestation | Letters


In an effort not to dehumanize a political party but to use only an analogy, the Republican Party is now a termite infestation in the forest of our nation’s democracy. In my opinion, this describes our current political upheaval in the state and across the country.

This party’s overt hostility towards democracy is impossible to ignore regardless of the darkest shades of rose-colored glasses you might want to wear. Trying to overthrow an election, keep passing anti-voter state legislation, the almost incredibly brazen inactivity of laws allowing First Amendment protesters to be run over with a car on city streets like foghorns across the country make these people’s intentions clear. And it’s power to a couple of people, and it’s not you and me.

So how do we deal with this termite problem? Are we deliberately pursuing the wounded and unpredictable queen of the colony? Do we sit back and hope that this poorly managed colony self-destruct as it seems to want? Or are we joining even closer forces to deal with them with democratic laws that we enforce? Once established, termites are a huge problem.

My thoughts are that treatment is the least we should do.

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