Lady in Michigan suffers second-degree burns after setting her automotive on fireplace to do away with bedbugs | Life


A Michigan woman was hospitalized with a second degree burn after trying to eradicate bed bugs in her car by rubbing alcohol and setting the vehicle on fire. – AFP image

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. 2 – A 31-year-old Michigan woman was hospitalized with second degree burns after trying to eradicate bed bugs in her car with rubbing alcohol.

USA Today reported that the woman had a panic attack because of the insects in her vehicle and decided to kill her by pouring alcohol and starting a fire.

However, she accidentally set herself on fire and had to be hospitalized.

According to the portal, this was not the first time that such an incident has been reported.

In 2016, a Detroit man accidentally set his apartment on fire after dousing himself and his couch with alcohol to kill bed bugs.

The fire destroyed four units and caused water damage in two dozen more when it was extinguished.

Another woman in Detroit set fire to her apartment in 2015 after her stove and stove ignited fumes from the alcohol she sprayed on herself and poured on her floor in an attempt to kill the bugs.

While bed bugs don’t transmit disease, their bites can cause itchy skin reactions.

Experts advise vacuuming, washing surfaces and furniture with soap and water, steam cleaning, and treating with insecticides to remove bed bugs.

Alternatively, individuals can hire a pest controller.