Ideas and recommendation about gardening at residence


Do you realize that You have a nice garden full of plants and other greens. But weeds, pests, and plant diseases won’t make your garden look any better. They leave holes in your plants and your tiles look dirty. But what do you do about it? Let nature take its course and do you accept the consequences? Or do you immediately reach for pesticides and other agents? If we can give you some advice … choose nature! And by that we don’t mean that you should sit back and relax. Instead, use natural pest control resources. In this article we will explain how you can do that.

remove weeds

Do you have weeds in the joints of your tiles or near your other plants? Then you can agree that it doesn’t look really well cared for. One thing you can do is hand weed it, but that’s probably not the most efficient way to do it. What to do if you want to remove weeds from between your tiles is to pour some boiling water on it and scrub it. It’s a quick and easy way to remove moss, scales, and weeds. For weeds in your garden, use so-called ground cover plants that leave no room for weeds. Or sprinkle your floor with wood chips, tree bark or cocoa shells: that works too!

Fight ants

Are you done with all of the ants walking in and out of your yard (and house)? Then there is a way to remove them from your yard in an animal-friendly manner. How? Fill a flower pot with some garden soil and place it upside down on an ant’s nest. In about two weeks the ants will have replaced their nest in the pot. Now you can easily remove the nest. You can also use chalk or baby powder and sprinkle it on the ant’s routes. Both sources contain talcum powder, something ants don’t like.

Fight pests and insects

Do you want to get rid of weevils, burs, cut worms, scarworms, chinch bugs and / or white maggots invading your garden? Then make sure you buy some nematodes. Nematodes (Dutch: aaltjes) are multicellular insects that fight soil pests and larvae or maggots. The advantage of using nematodes instead of pesticides is that it is a natural resource and therefore environmentally friendly. You can find nematodes in almost every garden center. Just don’t forget your mask and disinfectant (Dutch: ontsmettingsmiddelen) when you go shopping in a store! After all, Corona is still not completely defeated.

Do you want to keep your garden? Please choose for environmentally friendly resources. It’s better for you and your garden.

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