How one can spot bedbugs in resort room – vacationers share ideas | Journey Information | Journey

How to spot bedbugs in hotel room – tourists share tips | Travel News | Travel

There’s nothing worse than having a relaxing hotel stay with some unwanted stowaways. Bedbug bites are painful and itchy, and the bedbugs can travel home with tourists in their clothes.

However, there are a few ways tourists can try to spot the animals before they are caught.

One regular traveler wrote on Reddit, “When you arrive at the hotel room, immediately check the mattress and see that it’s spotless with no bug in sight.”

Tourists can lift the sheet on their bed to check that the mattress does not show any signs of bed bugs.

However, another tourist said: “The headboard is usually where they congregate in hotels as they are usually bolted to the wall and not disturbed like the bedding.”

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Because hotels change linens daily or after each guest’s stay, bed bugs may be more likely to hide around the headboard of the bed.

Bedbugs generally congregate around corners and may be on the corner of a mattress when hiding.

They can also hide in the bed frame, on clothing, on furniture, behind pictures, or even under loose wallpaper.

Tourists can check these places when they enter their hotel room to see if there are any telltale signs of bed bugs.


If a tourist found signs of bugs or bites, he should immediately inform the hotel staff.

At home, tourists should wash their clothes at a temperature of at least 60 degrees to kill insects.

Affected clothing should then be placed in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for about three to four days.

Check their luggage for signs of bed bugs if they are coming from a place where an infestation has occurred.