How Can I Get Rid Of Mattress Bugs In My Residence?

How Can I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In My Home?

Bed bugs are blood-sucking insects. Although they typically feed on humans, they also feed on other warm-blooded creatures. Bed bugs usually feed at night while people lie in their beds trying to sleep comfortably. They can be repulsive as they disturb your sleep due to their bites and constant itching. Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of, and most infestations affect both the owner and owner Pest Control Sydney Professionals need to deal with the problem. Since bedbugs can go up to a year without food, they can even survive in empty rooms.

You can eradicate bed bugs with several low-odor dust sprays and aerosol pesticides. You must use these pesticides in any regions where insects reside and any hiding places or crevices where they might crawl. Since you can’t disinfect your beds with pesticides, it’s important to wrap the pillows and mattresses to ensure live bugs or their eggs are trapped, where they will eventually starve. If your home is infested with pests, you can resort to DIY methods or hire experts Pest Control Bondi Beach eradicate bed bugs. Before we move on to find the best ways to get rid of bed bugs, let’s first understand what attracts them into your home.

How are bed bugs attracted to your home?

Many people think that bed bugs seek out and are attracted to dirty environments. Because of this, many people believe that the usual level of cleaning in the home is guaranteed to be free of any signs of bed bugs. But as it turns out, that’s just a common misconception. It’s not dirt or rot that attracts bed bugs. They can survive in any environment as long as they have access to the essential survival items, mostly blood. Although bed bugs are blood-sucking insects like mosquitoes and ticks, they cannot fly or reside on their hosts. Instead, they must wait for a meal to become available while hiding near their food supply. Because of this, bed bugs are quite adaptable. As long as they have access to regular blood meals, they can live anywhere, on the sofa cushions or the library rug.

Below are some of the top bed bug causes:

  • They buy used home furnishings and bring them home. Bed bugs can enter your home through luggage, purses, backpacks, used sofas, and other items.
  • Cross-contamination in a multi-unit environment. Bed bugs in hotels and apartment buildings can spread from one room to another.
  • Contamination of hotels, resorts or hostels. You can take bed bugs home with you in your clothes or luggage.
  • Visitors staying in your home. Visitors may unknowingly bring bed bugs into your home during their stay.

Pest Control Services Sydney have an experienced team of professionals who can spot these bed bugs in all possible places and eradicate them with effective treatment methods.

How to get rid of bed bugs at home?

A single treatment is unlikely to completely eradicate bed bugs, making them particularly difficult to eradicate. Sprays can kill bed bugs, but they do little to nothing for the eggs. While you can use household remedies to kill bed bugs, they may not last long. Pest Control Services Bondi Beach are always necessary for follow-up examinations, often additional treatments are required. Here are a few methods to get rid of bed bugs:

physical distance

You can use duct tape to trap the bugs when there are relatively few bugs. Vacuuming is also recommended prior to chemical treatment as it cleans the dust and dirt affected site and allows subsequent chemical treatment to penetrate more efficiently. Pay close attention to the room boundaries, the areas around furniture and the area around fixtures. After cleaning, place the vacuum bag in a sealed bag and dispose of properly. If you use stiff brushes, be careful not to accidentally scatter the eggs.


You can effectively kill bed bugs in sheets and bedding by quickly raising the temperature. If bed bugs are exposed to temperatures above 45°C for one hour, they will die; at 60°C or higher they die off immediately. The bugs migrate away from the heat source as the affected area warms up slowly and gradually, potentially causing them to infiltrate new areas.

The benefit of using steam to heat objects is that it allows for debugging at all stages of their life cycle. An effective way to get rid of bed bugs is to wash them in water above 60°C (to make sure you’ve killed every stage of the bug) and tumble dry infested clothes. It is recommended to dry the garments on a hot setting for at least half an hour.

chemical treatment

A licensed technician such as Pest Control Sydney may only use currently registered pesticides approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to treat bed bugs. Depending on the application, they apply a specific pesticide. Dust, for example, gets into cavities and cracks where bed bugs live fairly well, but it wouldn’t be as helpful in a place where foot movement and vacuuming can spread it.

Methods of treating bed bugs also include the use of pesticide sprays. Potential bed bug infestation sites are specifically treated with a residual formulation treatment. Application must be precise and direct to target areas, including mattresses, furniture cracks and crevices, and floors. The tiny droplets from an improper room spray from a pest controller can excite bed bugs. The infestation can then spread to other places as they excrete warning pheromones. Pest Control Services in Sydney have experienced and knowledgeable professionals who know how to carefully deal with such an infestation without spreading it further.


It can take time to completely remove bed bugs from your home. Before you can make sure that the treatment you have used or received is through Pest Control Services Sydney worked, you must ensure that there is no bug activity on the property. To do this, you need to perform routine checks of the affected areas once a week. To make it easier to spot surviving bed bugs, you can place bed bug catchers under the bed. These devices can trap bugs before they reach your bed. It is also excellent practice to get semi-annual inspections Pest Control Services in Bondi Beach to identify any pests. Pest control experts will take all appropriate measures to stop the spread and rid your home of pests.