Hawaii unemployment name middle stays closed attributable to mattress bugs


Posted: May 24, 2021 / 3:30 PM HST
Updated: May 24, 2021 / 5:24 p.m. HST

HONOLULU (KHON2) – The Department of Industrial Relations (DLIR) call center at the Hawaii Convention Center will be closed starting Monday, May 24th.

Bed bug pest control Closed on ThursdayMay 20th.

[Hawaii news on the go–LISTEN to KHON 2GO weekday mornings at 7:30 a.m.]

“We are committed to continuing to serve our unemployment beneficiaries by routing all calls from the call center to our local UI claims offices. We ask the public to be patient during this time as we will be working at reduced capacity, ”said Anne Perreira-Eustaquio, DLIR Director, in a statement last week.

The affected rooms and public areas are on the third floor of the building.

The convention center will remain open and events outside of these areas may continue.