GROSS! Two Texas Cities Cannot Escape Mattress Bugs At All

GROSS! Two Texas Cities Can’t Escape Bed Bugs At All

We all dislike it when insects find their way into our homes. It always happens when we least expect it, doesn’t it? There’s always that initial groan when we see a bug in our house and we need to somehow get it out of the building.

But what happens when the bug is in our beds? Yes, if you didn’t know, bed bugs are a thing and certainly not fun to see or deal with. Yes, they even visit the Lone Star State, as much as we wish they had never shown up.

Unfortunately, it looks like bed bugs are rampant in two cities in our great state, and a lot more than expected.

Bed bugs in Texas? Where are they?!?

Well, to find out where bed bugs seem to congregate, we turn to none other than Orkin for the data. According to their website, data collected from the treatments they had done the previous year showed where most were found. So it’s time for the moment of truth, which cities in Texas have the most bed bugs?

Well, if you live in Dallas or Houston, we’re sorry to say that you’re in the top 50. Dallas ended up at number 17 on the list while Houston was placed at number 44 on the list. Luckily there were only two on the list, but that’s still two too many.

So let this be a warning to all of us, go ahead and try to avoid bed bugs in your home by any means necessary!

The top 10 worst places to live in Texas

While it’s always a good idea to know the areas with the lowest crime rates and the best things to do when looking for a place to live, it’s also important to know which places to avoid. Even if you’re moving to an area with low crime rates, you might also be near less safe communities.

APPEARANCE: 15 Pets You CANNOT Own in Temple City

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Bet You Didn’t Know: 10 Bizarre Texas Laws That Are Still In The Books

Many states still have weird laws on the books that are no longer enforced or taken seriously, and Texas is no exception.

Most of these laws are just for fun today, but there used to be a valid (or at least semi-valid) reason for their existence.

Let’s take a look at 10 of the strangest things to do in the Lone Star State.

21 Texas Place Names Outsiders Can’t Pronounce

Ever hear someone call Killeen “Kye-lean” or Salado “Salad-oh”? That’s just the tip of the Texas mispronunciation iceberg. Here are the cities that most people who didn’t grow up in Texas have no idea how to pronounce.