Gardening rules | House & Backyard

Gardening principles | Home & Garden

Gophers are nuisance rodents found throughout North America and serious pests in the western two-thirds of the continent. They burrow and live in an underground labyrinth: a deep main tunnel contains the nest and food storage areas, while extensive surface tunnels allow them access to subterranean plant parts. To keep these destructive little diggers at bay, you can install barriers, trap them, or try to fend them off.

Gopher tunnels are often found in a distinctive fan-shaped mound of dirt. In contrast, moles push soil out of their holes in a circular pattern.

Create a barrier around your yard or garden beds with a ½ inch chain link fence. Make sure it’s at least 2 feet high and buried at least 2 feet deep; Go 3 feet deep in light or sandy soil. Alternatively, you can line planting holes with chicken wire or the flower bulb cages available at garden centers.

Protect the tree bark with a 1/2 inch thick galvanized cloth. Sink the bottom edge into the ground and wrap the cloth completely around the tree.

While rat traps catch gophers, there are humane traps that are specifically designed for specific regions and specific species. Check with your local Cooperative Extension Service or Wildlife Management Agency for their recommendations. Also, ask about laws governing the trapping of wild animals.