Frequent Minecraft Bugs And How To Repair Them


Minecraft gives gamers so much freedom that it is inevitable that glitches will occur. What are the fixes for some common errors?

Minecraft is a basic sandbox title for seasoned and inexperienced players alike. It allows you – and indeed the community encourages you – to do something unrealistic, like building a house underwater, to doing ridiculous things like playing the game with a bob-it.

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However, great creative freedom comes with great responsibility. Or rather, big bugs and glitches. It’s hard to allow players to do what they want without adding a few bugs to the live versions of the game. These are some of the most common problems players face in Minecraft and how to fix them.

Ghost lighting

Minecraft Lighting Glitch Bug Solution - Screenshot of a Minecraft player looking at a wall with false, dark lighting on one corner

via u / Avantir on Reddit

Minecraft has beautiful lighting (which is only enhanced by beautiful fan-made mods and texture packs) and a day-night cycle to keep your experience flowing and varied. It is especially strange when a group of blocks is not properly lit.

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It is, as u / Avantir explains on Reddit, caused by Minecraft loading the chunks and sub-chunks incorrectly. To fix it, find the subchunk where the lighting problem is occurring and place a block within it. Then you can reload the world and find that it is fixed! Unfortunately, the blocks you put in the block have to stay there, you cannot remove them. So try to find a creative way to include them in your build!

Chunk glitching

Minecraft Shared Image - Chunk loads glitch screenshots from Minecraft players

via Ordigamer on YouTube

This bug causes part of Minecraft to spastically and quickly switch between biomes, as demonstrated above by Ordigamer on YouTube. It’s easy to panic seeing this error, but you don’t have to! There is a simple solution.

Exit the menu and click on Options. From there, click the button labeled “Video Settings”. Once you get here just scroll a little until you find the toggle setting that says “Use VBOs:” – If you are having this error, this setting is likely “Use VBOs: OFF” so just click on it to change it to “Use VBOs: ON”. and then click Done. Voila – your Minecraft world has been healed!

Infinite loading screen

Minecraft loading screen with Mojang logo

The name tells you everything you need to know about this error: it means the game loads forever and you never get to the good stuff! Many gamers experience this problem, especially when playing version 1.16 on the PlayStation or Xbox.

Conventional nerd wisdom is the best solution to the glitch. Simply uninstall Minecraft from your device and reinstall it! Console gamers don’t have to worry – their worlds and scores are stored in the cloud so you can play after reinstalling. Restart the game and enjoy!

Visual disturbances

Minecraft Visual Glitch Bug Solution - Screenshot of a Minecraft player with their screen down and showing a lot of wrong things

via Felix Codes on

Visual glitches and errors are common among brand new Minecraft users. Many people have heard that Minecraft is the game that runs on any computer; that may have been true in the early days of Minecraft, but it’s much more advanced now. It still doesn’t need a high-end gaming rig to run, of course, but it can’t necessarily thrive on technology that used to be standard.

The visual flaw in the picture above and others are similar caused by outdated technology. In this case, the player was using a graphics card that was six years old. Don’t panic – you may not have to completely purchase a new computer. If you have a PC, many people online are happy to walk you through the process of installing new parts.

Magician-in-training block

Minecraft screenshot with a view of an invisible block of dirt with grass still growing on it

Minecraft has magic – the popular enchanting table – but the blocks shouldn’t perform magic tricks in the middle of a strip mining session. Some players find that breaking down blocks too quickly makes the block look like it has disappeared but in fact just becomes invisible.

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There are several things that you can try to resolve this issue. Some people succeed through it Take blocks from your inventory and place them where the invisible block has formed (although you have to find it) At this point, you can remove the new block and fix the problem. Others found that when they got into theirs Game settings and changed their range of vision, the invisible blocks disappeared. Or press F3 + A At the same time, all chunks are reloaded and the problem can be fixed. As a last resort, always try to shut down your world and Minecraft and then reload.

The “You’re going to be late for school” glitch

Minecraft character sleeps in a red bed while a creeper looks through the window

Another notorious flaw in Minecraft is that the player cannot get out of bed after sleeping in it. While the chat features usually still work just fine, trying to move around is completely useless – your character just hangs around in bed all morning.

The simplest solution is Use an order to teleport you elsewhere since the chat is availablebut it doesn’t always work. If that fails, just exit and restart the game. This will force your character to get out of bed (although this is not the most convenient solution). If you find that you have this problem frequently, try to avoid the cause: common causes are the sleep spell and the vanilla bed.

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About the author

Gabrielle Huston
(164 articles published)

Gabrielle “Belle” Huston is a writer and longtime player from Ottawa, Canada. Reach out to them on Twitter (@TheYavril) or email ( She’s played video games for at least as long as she could write and vice versa, which has led her to work for sites like The Gamer and the International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club. As a current journalism student, she is rarely out and about on her computer. Taking advantage of the little free time she has playing Guild Wars 2 with her partner, Belle is working towards that 5-star rating in Animal Crossing, and wondering when the next installment of Dragon Age will be out.

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