Develop Your Personal, Nevada! digital courses talk about wholesome gardening at dwelling


Reno Extension at the University of Nevada offers online courses on growing fruits and vegetables at home. (Photo: Ashley Andrews, Extension)

Gardening is a great activity that can be done at home. The University of Nevada, Reno Extension, offers online courses that teach the basics of gardening.
This April, the Nevada expansion is growing! The program will be streamed live in eight classes nationwide to help those who wish to find a way to live a more sustainable, local, and healthier life by growing and conserving more of their own food.
“With all the challenges of the past year, many people have had the opportunity to focus on activities closer to where they live,” said Chad Morris, Coordinator of Extension’s commercial horticulture program. “A good example is the production of fruit and vegetables here in northern Nevada. The Grow Your Own, Nevada! The class series offers plenty of tips and strategies for making food at home, and we’re excited to be able to offer them again this spring. “
The series of workshops will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 6th to 29th from 6pm to 8pm. The workshops provide gardeners and those interested in growing healthy foods with a basic guide to producing many crops in Nevada. The topics include:
April 6th: start plants from seeds
April 8: growing berries 101
April 13: Gardening in soils in northern Nevada
April 15th: Nutrients and fertilizers
April 20th: The Art and Science of Hot Composting
April 22nd: Lower Risk Pesticide Products and Practices
April 27: Cover crops for backyard gardens
April 29th: Save seeds from your garden
Registration can be done online at Residents must register for each class they wish to attend. All workshops are free and held over the Zoom link.
Individuals in need of special accommodation or assistance should contact Morris at or 775-336-0249 at least three days prior to the first day of the course they wish to attend.


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