Chicago Tops Orkin’s 2023 Prime 50 Mattress Bug Cities Listing

Chicago Tops Orkin’s 2023 Top 50 Bed Bug Cities List

ATLANTA – The Windy City establishes itself as the #1 city on the list of Orkin’s 50 Best Bed Bug Cities for the third year running. Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia hold the top three spots, taking first, second, and third place respectively. Los Angeles made the biggest jump that year, climbing seven spots into the top five, with Cleveland (#4) and Raleigh (#20) each moving up the list four spots.

With National Shop for Travel Day on January 10th, travelers are reminded to start planning their vacation, including finding travel accommodations. As Americans begin booking hotels for 2023 and beyond, it’s crucial for travelers to know how to spot and thoroughly investigate bed bugs in hotel rooms (and beyond) while being careful not to let the pests into their own four walls.

The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022. The ranking includes both domestic and commercial treatments.


2. New York (+1)

3. Philly (-1)

4. Cleveland-Akron, Ohio (+4)

5.Los Angeles (+7)

6 Detroit (-2)


7. Indianapolis (-1)

8.Baltimore (-3)

9. Washington, D.C. (-2)

10. Columbus, OH (-1)

11. Champaign, IL (+2)

12. Grand Rapids, Michigan (-1)

13. Cincinnati (-3)

14. Charlotte (+1)

15 Denver (+2)

16 Atlanta (-2)

17. Dallas-Ft. value (-1)

18 Pittsburgh (+2)

19. Charleston, WV (+3)

20. Raleigh-Durham (+4)

21. Flintstone, MI (+2)

22. San Francisco (-3)

23. Norfolk, Va. (+2)

24. Greenville, SC (-3)

25. St.Louis (-7)

26. Richmond, Va

27. Youngstown (+10)

28. South Bend, IN (+5)

29. Buffalo, New York (-1)

30. Knoxville (-1)

31. Cedar Rapids, IA (-1)

32. Omaha, Nebraska (-5)

33. Nashville (+1)

34. Dayton, Ohio (-2)

35. ft. Wayne, IN (+1)

36. Harrisburg (+6)

37. Davenport (-2)

38. Toledo (-7)

39.Seattle (+5)

40. Milwaukee (-2)

41.Tampa (-1)

42. Lansing, MI (+6)

43. Greensboro, NC

44. Houston (-3)

45. Miami (-6)

46. ​​Lexington, Ky. (+1)

47. Orlando (-1)

48. Peoria (-3)

49.Louisville, Kentucky (-3)

50.Lincoln, Ne

“Bed bugs are extremely resilient, which makes them difficult to control. As people begin to bulk up their travel plans this year, it’s important they know how to protect themselves through pest detection and appropriate control,” said Ben Hottel, Orkin’s entomologist. “Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are visible to the naked eye but are excellent at hiding. It is recommended that a trained professional be consulted upon seeing a bed bug introduction.”