Bedbugs Partly to Blame for Hostage Scenario at Oklahoma Metropolis Jail, Rep. Jason Lowe Says


An inmate was shot dead by police after taking a correctional officer hostage at the Oklahoma County Jail Saturday afternoon, according to KOCO. The incident occurred shortly after 4 p.m. on the 10th floor of the prison when an unnamed CO was overpowered by an inmate and taken hostage. Oklahoma City police responded to the scene and shot the inmate to death.

State MP Jason Lowe told KOCO that the incident was inevitable and likely to recur unless material changes were made. “Every year it gets worse. Each year. I mean, there are bedbugs, the conditions are terrible, there is no heat, there are about three people in a cell, ”said Lowe. “The conditions in prison are just terrible. We have to get a new prison. We have to do this because individuals are going to die, situations like this where detainees are held hostage … that is inappropriate. That is unnecessary. “

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