Be taught extra about gardening on the Oregon Coast | Neighborhood

Learn more about gardening on the Oregon Coast | Community

Want to learn more about gardening on the Oregon Coast? Would you like to meet people with similar interests and then share what you have learned with others? If you answered yes, you may want to enroll in the OSU Master Gardener™ training.

You don’t have to be an expert to become an OSU Master Gardener™. Anyone with a genuine interest in gardening and horticulture, including gardeners, farmers and nursery workers, is encouraged to attend the 2023 Tillamook OSU Extension Service Master Gardener™ Training.

The OSU Master Gardener™ program is designed to provide in-depth training for local gardeners who volunteer in the community to help the OSU Extension Service answer home and community gardening questions for the public .

For those who have the time and inclination to volunteer in their community, the fee for the training is $150, which includes the Sustainable Gardening textbook and all class materials. OSU

Master Gardeners™ offer volunteer services during the year following the completion of their training. You will work with other Master Gardeners to answer questions at the OSU Extension office, volunteer at the Master Gardener Learning Garden, and help educate others in the community about gardening.

Classes are held every Thursday, starting January 5th. Lessons take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For more information, please contact OSU Extension Service, 4506 Third Street, Tillamook, 503-842-3433 or visit their website at