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The week

White House allies secretly wrote the lawsuit in Texas asking the Supreme Court to overturn Biden’s victory

On November 12, the team of electoral attorneys for former President Donald Trump knew he had lost his re-election offer. Despite Trump’s tweets and public comments, there was “no material evidence of electoral fraud and nowhere near enough” irregularities “to reverse the outcome in court,” reports the New York Times. But their protests only allowed Trump to reach out to allies who told him what he wanted to hear, and so November 12 was also the day “Trump’s weak, long-term legal effort to undo his loss became something utterly other was – an extra-legal campaign to undermine that. ” Wahl based on a lie that so convinced some of his most devoted supporters that the deadly attack on the Capitol on January 6 became almost inevitable. “Trump’s experienced legal team either quietly disappeared or was incapacitated by Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and other lawyers” who are willing to advance propaganda lawsuits that transcend the boundaries of legal ethics and common sense, “the Times reported eventually belonged to “the vast majority of Republican attorneys-general whose Supreme Court case on arrival, said to be discarded 20 million votes, was secretly drafted by attorneys near the White House.” Before Thanksgiving, Trump’s allies – including Kris Kobach, an electoral restriction activist who previously headed Trump’s “Electoral Integrity” commission; Mark Martin, former North Carolina Supreme Court Justice; and Lawrence Joseph, an attorney who had worked to screen Trump’s tax returns, began work in a new lawsuit, which although “little right “had merit or factual merit” but was “rife with sensational allegations” that would certainly spread in the conservative media, the Times reports. The argument was that Trump states could ask the Supreme Court to cast 20 million votes in certain states that President Biden won because those Biden states effectively defrauded. “Only one type of attorney can file a lawsuit filed by one state against another directly with the Supreme Court: an attorney general,” reports the Times. “The President’s original election lawyers doubted an attorney general would be ready,” but Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took the chance. When the Texas Attorney General refused to be involved in the lawsuit, Paxton hired Joseph as a special outside attorney without informing the court that Joseph and other outside Trump advisors wrote the letter. Read more about Trump’s extra-legal campaign in the New York Times. More stories from Rise of the Barstool Conservatives Biden has to decide whether to replace Trump’s Inspector General, especially 1 Installed by McConnell Meatballs, F-Bombs, and Election Fraud Conspiracies: A Trump Oval Office Meeting That Was So Insane That Giuliani was the voice of reason ‘