Bald eagle dying probably brought on by poison used for controlling rodents


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RHINELANDER, Wisconsin (WDJT) – A male bald eagle died after wildlife officials believed it was exposed to a poison or poison used to control rodents. According to Wild Instincts, a wildlife rehabilitation center in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, the toxins affect not only wildlife, but domestic animals as well.

Wild Instincts admitted two eagles within hours of each other on Saturday, April 24, and one died while they began an exam – according to a post on Facebook.

The rehab center says lead was found in both systems, but levels were low enough not to be the main problem. Instead, wildlife officials believe the eagles were exposed to a poison that humans use to control mice or rodents in their garage or chipmunks in their yard.

In a post, Wild Instincts said:

“Rodenticides are not selective. You’re killing more than just this mouse. AND the poisons themselves have changed.

Many of the second generation rodenticides act extremely quickly and have a narrow margin of safety. This is a problem not only for wildlife but also for pets. Cholecalciferol, for example, has no specific antidote! “

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