Andrew Tate says ‘cockroaches, lice and mattress bugs’ are his solely buddies in Romanian jail

Andrew Tate says ‘cockroaches, lice and bed bugs’ are his only friends in Romanian prison

“They’re Trying To Break Me”

Andrew Tate has opened up about the dire conditions he is facing in a Romanian prison.

Last week it was revealed that the social media influencer and his brother were to remain in custody until February 27 after a court extended their detention by police.

The couple are being held on suspicion of human trafficking, sexual assault and rape, which they deny.

A judge has ruled that they will remain in prison for an additional 30 days while the police process their case.

But the conditions seem to be overwhelming for the self-proclaimed misogynist, which he says is the system’s way of breaking him.

When he publishes his first e-mail newsletter from the inside, he says: “I will send you my daily lessons from an unjust imprisonment.

“You’re trying to break me. Thrown into a cell with no light.

“Roaches, lice and bed bugs are my only friends at night.

“When the guards escort me to and from the courtroom, I remain absolutely respectful.

“They are trying to pour hate into my heart. But please and thank you, you always stay with me.

“Our jailers are just doing their jobs, they have families to feed them in times of need. Don’t forget your manners.

“They are trying to break my iron mind with unjust imprisonment. My absolute respect for everyone around me is my act of absolute rebellion.

“You can’t break me.”

A recent report on living standards in Romanian prisons revealed that this is not a holiday for inmates.

The investigation, conducted by the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 2021, found that Romanian prison cells are known for offering digs with cockroach-infested dirt.

The report notes that inmates remain in cramped, run-down cells 23 hours a day, with the exception of an hour of “outdoor recreation.”

But when that hour is up, they’re back inside to enjoy their “dilapidated” cells made available to them by the Romanian penal system.

The report gave no indication of emissions per prisoner, but we can assume they are much lower than Tate’s to the outside world.

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