Anderson County Rescue Squad, Emory River, gardening

Anderson County Rescue Squad, Emory River, gardening

Learn more about Rescue Squad, donate to train Bloodhound puppies

Members of the Anderson County Emergency Rescue Squad will share what they are doing with the County Democratic Women’s Club when the women meet Monday at 6:00 p.m. at Shoney’s Restaurant, 204 S. Illinois Ave., Oak Ridge

Chief Terry Allen and Paula Daniel of the Rescue Squad will speak about the nonprofit, volunteer-led emergency organization serving Anderson County. According to a press release, the Rescue Squad responds to a variety of emergency situations, including missing children, traffic accidents, water rescues and high school training events.

The Rescue Squad raises funds to train a new member – Bocephus the Bloodhound pup. “Bo” will go to search and rescue school if the force has the money to send him. Club members are invited to contribute to the training of the puppies.

The Democratic Women’s Club will also learn about the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Yellow DOT program from Ken and Donna Wheeler. The Yellow DOT program was designed to make a person’s medical information immediately available to first responders in the event of an emergency on the streets of Tennessee.

For more information, email Democratic Women’s Club President Ann Mostoller at

Experts lead ‘Resilient Garden’ forum

The Master Gardeners of Roane County are hosting a winter symposium on Saturday February 11th featuring a range of gardening and landscape professionals.

“The recent bitter chill of the holiday season is a stark reminder that we face major challenges when it comes to planting and tending gardens resilient enough to nourish and support us,” the press release said the group. For the home gardener, The Resilient Garden: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century brings together the latest research in plant science, ecology, soil science, plant pathology and wildlife management to address these challenges.

Planned speakers and topics:

  • “The Key to Growing Nutritious Foods,” Natalie Bumgarner, Associate Professor of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, Department of Plant Sciences
  • “Supporting Pollinators in a Changing Landscape,” Jennifer Tsuruda, Assistant Professor and Beekeeping Extension Specialist, UT Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
  • “Management of nuisance wildlife: what to do about deer (and other creatures),” Capt. Russell “Rusty” Boles, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) Captive Wildlife Program Coordinator/ADC.
  • “Resilience in the Garden”, Andrea Ludwig, Associate Professor of Ecological Engineering, UT Biosystems Engineering and Soil Department
  • “New Directions in Landscape DesignHaley Treadway, UT Extension Agent, Hamilton County.

The symposium will be held at Roane State Community College on the Harriman campus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will include a continental breakfast, lunch and a live auction of garden delights donated by sponsors or handmade by members. Auctioneer William “Bear” Stephenson will conduct this event.

For more information or to sign up, go to

Meeting of Emory River advocates

The Emory River Watershed Association, a Morgan County-based non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Emory River and its watershed, will hold its annual meeting at the Plateau Electric Caooperative on February 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Eastern hold auditorium. 825 Frühlingstrasse, Wartburg.

The keynote speaker is Joe Johnson, District Forester for Roane and Morgan Counties for the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Forestry Division. He will present a program on forest health, including insect and disease threats to forests, tree physiology in relation to tree health, and what people can do to create healthy forests within the watershed.

A complimentary potluck buffet will be available. The menu includes baked potato soup, cornbread, beans and rice, six-layer salad, sweet potato casserole, croissant sandwiches, brownies and more.

There will also be a silent auction for groceries, including brownies, pies, cakes and other goodies appropriate for Valentine’s Day, according to the press release.

For more information about the Emory River Watershed Association or this event, visit their Facebook page at