Wildlife vs Pest Management; Which One Removes The Rodents?

Wildlife vs Pest Control; Which One Removes The Rodents?

If you see signs of a mouse infestation around your home, it’s time to call in a professional.

But which one? Although we all know that there are wildlife removal companies as well as pest control services, most of us use the words interchangeably to refer to people rescuing us from a problem.

And we are right about that. Both pest control services and wildlife removal professionals get rid of an unwanted animal that is a threat to our health and potentially the structure of our home.

However, pest control and wildlife removal are two different services and you need to understand the difference.

What does wildlife removal do?

Wildlife removal services typically employ a team of professionals to remove nuisance wildlife from your property. Depending on which company you have chosen, the methods can be more or less humane. Many modern wildlife removal services use only non-lethal options such as live traps or barrier devices. This way they get the animal out without actually hurting it. However, there are still some wildlife removal companies that offer the lethal removal option (e.g. poison, traditional lethal traps, etc.).

Wildlife removal companies usually deal with larger animals such as rodents, snakes, possums, raccoons, skunks, birds, bats, moles, voles and other such creatures. The best thing to do, of course, is to inquire about which animals a particular company can remove.

A wildlife removal session typically consists of:

  • an inspection (where they identify the animal’s entry point, what lured it into the house, number of animals, etc.);
  • a preparatory phase (where it is decided what the best removal method is);
  • a removal phase (during which they actually capture and remove the animal);
  • a post-move phase (usually involving cleanup, restoration, disinfecting the premises and focusing on future prevention).

So if you’re dealing with a rodent infestation, you should seek help from a wildlife control expert, not a pest control company. Pretty much all wildlife companies are equipped to deal with rats and mice, which are among the easier, more common types of intruders.

What does a pest control company do?

Okay, but why not ask a pest control expert for help? Well, to answer that, we need to look at what type of critters a pest control company typically handles. A pest control company removes termites, ants, bees, wasps, flies, cockroaches, and so on.

Now, for example, a wasp infestation is very different from a rodent infestation. First of all, you are looking at completely different numbers. Secondly, we are also talking about another type of damage done to the house and occupants, and other attractions. Because of this, pest control experts aren’t really equipped to deal with a rat or a mouse (let alone larger pesky wildlife like a raccoon).

Also, the removal methods used by a pest control company differ significantly from those used by a wildlife removal team. Since pests like termites or ants usually come in the hundreds, you can’t really expect live traps or even exclusion to work. Therefore, pest control companies typically use various methods of physical control, chemical control, and biological control to suppress a pest population and remove it from a home.

Just as wildlife companies would not be equipped for a termite infestation, a pest control company is not really the best choice for a rodent infestation.

What happens next?

If you suspect a rodent infestation on your property, it’s time to call in a professional. You will judge everything from the rodents’ food choices, to preferred hiding spots, to entry points. It is important to understand where the rodent enters and exits the home and cordon it off immediately. Otherwise, you risk attracting other pesky wildlife as well.

The wildlife removal company will also safely remove the rodent(s) from your property and advise you on what to do to attract rodents in the first place. Most homes aren’t as neat and tidy as their owners think, so improving your cleaning habits could be a good start.

It is important that you ensure prompt rodent removal as rats and mice breed at a considerable rate and you risk doubling your infestation if you hesitate.

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