VALHALL: Harbinger Replace 0.6.7: Bug Fixes, New Options, and Extra


VALHALL: Harbinger developer Blackrose Arts recently released a new update that fixes bugs and adds new functions.

The dual wield and shield system is one of the best additions in this update as it allows players to use weapons in both hands or even hold up a torch on one hand to illuminate the area around them. It seems that the default is a torch on the left and a sword on the right hand. However, you can switch them if you’d rather swing a sword on the left. And if you do, the game engine will still let you attack with the torch on the right.

VALHALL: Harbinger Update 0.6.7

  • Optimized map scale.
  • Small settlements added.
  • Bot raids added.
  • Craft added.
  • Number of arrows added.
  • Added character asleep.
  • Added option to select spawn point.
  • Extra bed that you can use as a spawn point.
  • Added underwater mail effect and damage.
  • Added key binding option for building and hammer throw.
  • Added battle cries for bots.
  • Compass and waypoints added.
  • The visibility of the players has been increased.
  • Increased foundation height for easier placement.
  • Increased torch light radius.
  • Reduced fog density for visual and visual improvements.
  • Fixed bot respawning in weapon test mode
  • Repaired buildings on the water.
  • Fixed sprint acceleration, character no longer slows down.
  • Mjolnir idle animations have been fixed.
  • Fixed the weapon not dropping after the character died in Survival
  • Fixed the highlight of a weapon equipped as a pickup item by another player.
  • Fixed an issue where Archerbots would sometimes shoot while standing to the side of the player (in a different direction).
  • Fixed archers sometimes lack arrows.
  • Fixed the torch widget remaining forever after death
  • Fixed collision for stairs so bots can climb normally.
  • The sound of the building has been corrected and the flashlight turning on and off can be heard across the map.
  • Solid bushes that couldn’t be chopped. You can now cut down any tree / bush on the map.

Main known issues

  • Custom weapon equipment does not work properly after the last inventory revision.
  • The latency is having too much of an impact on the block (VFX couldn’t work as well and the block quality is not what we are aiming for).
  • Some bots in single player mode have “None” in place of their name.
  • In rare cases, the game process does not end by itself for a long time.
  • Eavesdropping on weapon impulses. Sometimes no impulse or too big.
  • Characters do not play motion animations properly. We need to correct the rotation of the upper body bones during movement animations.
  • [Important] Some errors may occur due to conflicts with temporary / saved files of previous VALHALL versions on your PC. If you encounter a problem not listed, do the following:
    • Clear all game memories here: C: / Users / YourName / AppData / Local / VALHALL
    • Uninstall the game from Steam
    • Manually delete the game folder in your Steam folder

Further information on the update can be found here.