US develops a Microdrone that may mimic insect or fowl flight


The Microdrone could be used for surveillance in the field or over military bases.

Golf Today Report

The US Air Force’s elite research laboratory is working with Airion Health LLC on a prototype mini-aircraft that can mimic either insect or bird flight and has the ability to change speed without the assistance of a high-performance computer.


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The wings are based on position and speed profiles, which leads to time-varying wing up and downstroke, which sometimes create controllable forces, possibly asymmetrically.

The Microdrone could be used for surveillance in the field or over military bases; or to set targets before personnel or other aircraft reach the battlefield.

Details on the main specifications of the microdrone such as size and weight were not disclosed.

Joshua Laravie, Technology Transfer Specialist and Domestic Alliance Program Manager at the Air Force Research Laboratory Aerospace Systems Directorate, said the final new microdrone will take some time before it goes live and will be ready after 2022.