Unusual-looking white bug with six legs is a masked hunter – Vernon Information


Photo: Ashley Driegen

UPDATE: 9:23 am

Fixed the identity of an Okanagan mystery bug.

Ashley Driegen posted a picture of a strange looking insect on the Vernon & Area Community Forum’s Facebook page that sparked speculation about what kind of bug it was.

Numerous Castanet readers added their opinion – and while some thought the insect was a tick, most identified the beetle by far as a masked hunter nymph.

According to the University of Michigan website, “the masked hunter is a curious curiosity of a bug that occurs in the United States and southern Canada. It was introduced from Europe before the beginning of the century. Both adults and nymphs are predators that feed on other insects, including flies, carpet beetles, mealworms, and bed bugs.

“The adult beetle is dark brown or black and about two centimeters long. The nymphs, or immature ones, are covered with microscopic hairs that catch and hold dust, lint, and other small particles of dirt. This camouflage helps the nymph to ambush prey, hence the common name “masked hunter”. When threatened or roughly treated, these insects bite humans with their needle-like mouth parts. Your bite is very painful and can cause localized swelling. “

Have you encountered a mysterious bug or just an unusually gross one? Send us a picture at [email protected]and we’ll try to identify it.

ORIGINAL: 4 a.m.

It’s time for another round of Name That Insect.

As spring heats things up, creepy crawly animals are returning to a home or garden near you.

The Okanagan has a diverse population of birds, furry species, and insects – many insects. And they always arouse the curiosity of the residents – and also their fears.

Some are pretty common bug tariffs – but every now and then a crawling, crawling, or flying creature is found that is not that easy to identify.

Such was the case when Ashley Driegen posted this picture of a strange looking insect on the Vernon & Area Community Forum’s Facebook page.

The six-legged white bug sparked some discussion about what the creepy crawl is, but so far there has been no final conclusion.

What do you think it is

Send us an email at [email protected] with your thoughts.