The way to Get Rid of Mattress Bugs in a Mattress

The way to Get Rid of Mattress Bugs in a Mattress


On the list of household pests that homeowners fear most, bed bugs are quite high. The reason? Bed bugs infiltrate the one place that should be a calming sanctuary at the end of the day. But what are bed bugs and how do bed bugs spread? How easy is it to get bed bugs? These tiny, blood-sucking insects like to burrow into mattresses and other upholstered furniture to stay close to their food sources. They’re most active at night, which is why it’s common for homeowners with bed bugs to wake up with itchy welts that seem to come out of nowhere. Bed bugs are often associated with dirty houses or cheap hotels, but the truth is that even very clean houses are susceptible. If bed bugs are on a person’s clothing or property when they enter a home, the bugs are likely to remain there and reproduce as long as they have access to blood from the home’s residents or pets.

As the title suggests, bed bugs are most commonly found in mattresses. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress that don’t involve buying a whole new bed. Understanding what attracts bed bugs and how they behave can make it easier to eliminate the pests and prevent future bed bug transmission.

Time required: 1 to 2 hours
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated costs: $20 to $100

Tools & Materials

Before you start…

Bed bugs are annoying, but thankfully they don’t pose a significant health risk. Unlike ticks or fleas, they don’t live on their hosts. So if you’re wondering, “Do bed bugs travel on humans?” They can stick to clothing but not skin. Importantly, bed bugs reproduce very quickly and can live for up to a year. They can even survive for several months between meals. The sooner steps are taken to eliminate the problem, the fewer bugs and unhatched eggs need to be dealt with.

how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress


Tips on how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress

  • Identify all potential infestation sites for treatment.
  • Keep the house clean and clutter-free to give bed bugs fewer places to hide.
  • Place clothing that may contain bed bugs in a plastic bag in the freezer or wash in hot water for a few days.

safety aspects

  • When using chemical pesticides, be sure to read the product label and be aware of any potential harmful effects to humans or pets.
  • If you use a steamer, use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid burns.

STEP 1: Identify all affected fields.

As soon as you suspect bed bugs are in a mattress, you can start removing all the sheets from the bed for a thorough check. How to tell if you have bed bugs: Look for clusters of tiny, flat, brownish-red bugs that are only about 5 millimeters in size. There may also be visible eggs, droppings, shed skins, or tiny specks of blood where the beetles were crushed. There are many other insects that look like bed bugs, but if the insects are concentrated on the mattress and you’ve experienced bites, bed bugs are most likely the culprit.

When searching, look for cracks and crevices. Bed bugs particularly like to burrow into seams, folds of fabric and corners of furniture. A heavy infestation can also cause a musty smell in the affected area, since bedbugs release pheromones when threatened. While bed bugs are best known for infesting mattresses and bed frames, they nest anywhere they have shelter and easy access to humans and pets to feed. In addition to the mattress, check the surrounding floor and any furniture nearby.

how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress


STEP 2: Vacuum any visible bed bugs to contain the infestation.

The most efficient way to rid a mattress of bed bugs is to vacuum it. First, wash all sheets and blankets in hot water, then go over the mattress with a handheld vacuum, making sure not to miss any seams or corners. Then sweep or vacuum the floor to catch any bugs that have been knocked off the bed or burrowed into the carpet. Don’t forget to drive over hard surfaces as well. Bed bugs are known to hide in gaps in bed frames and around baseboards. When you’re done vacuuming, empty the vacuum, seal the trash bag, and take it outside.

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STEP 3: Prepare the area for treatment.

After everything has been suctioned off, the next step is to prepare the affected areas for treatment. If there are piles of clothes or linens on the floor around the mattress, throw them in the washing machine, preferably with hot water. If clothes can’t be washed in hot water, place them in a plastic bag in the freezer for a few days to kill the bugs. Also, pick up clutter or trash from the floor. The key is to minimize the number of places the beetles seek shelter when the treatment is applied. This may also include checking the room for cracks in walls and floors and sealing them with joint compound. You should be careful not to accidentally transfer the bugs to another room when moving objects and putting things away.

STEP 4: Kill the bed bugs with chemical or non-chemical treatments – or by hiring a professional bed bug killer.

What kills bed bugs on a mattress? One of the easiest ways to kill the pests is to use temperature as a tool. Bed bugs cannot survive in extreme heat or cold. Any bedding that cannot be washed in hot water can be placed in the freezer for 3 or 4 days, effectively freezing the bugs to death. The mattress itself can be steamed, although the steam must reach a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit to be effective.

Another option is to use one of the best bed bug mattress covers that fits over the mattress and seals the bugs inside. Bed bugs on the outside cannot penetrate the cover and any bugs inside the mattress will starve. In some cases, it may make more sense to try a chemical mattress treatment for bed bugs. Insecticides such as pyrethrins or pyrethroids are popular because they are effective but generally not harmful to humans or animals. Another option is to sprinkle a desiccant such as diatomaceous earth on the bed and soak it up. Desiccants work by penetrating the protective outer shell of the beetle and are also typically non-toxic.

If the bed bug problem is severe, it may be best to hire one of the best bed bug killers like Orkin, Terminix, and Ehrlich Pest Control. Every home is different, so there isn’t always a one-size-fits-all pest control solution. Exterminators have experience with stubborn bed bug infestations and can identify the best course of action in an individual home.

how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress


STEP 5: Prevent future bed bug infestations.

Bed bugs are hardy insects and it can take a few months to get rid of them for good. When it comes to preventing bed bugs from re-infesting the home, it’s a good idea to check the mattress every few days and re-treat if necessary. You can continue to vacuum regularly and wash bedding and clothes in hot water often. Some people prefer to just throw out their infested mattress and start over with a brand new one. If you go this route, just make sure to clean the bed frame and surrounding area well to avoid bed bugs getting onto the new mattress. Using a mattress protector can be just as effective in preventing it as it is in treating an existing bed bug problem. If you’re wondering, “How long can bed bugs survive in a mattress?” The answer is up to a year, so it’s advisable to leave the mattress cover in place for at least that long.

To bring new bed bugs into the house, you can protect yourself by washing clothes immediately after returning from vacation. You should also thoroughly inspect used clothing or furniture before bringing it indoors.

how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress


Bed bugs can be stubborn, but the above measures should control the problem in time. Vacuuming visible bugs and eggs and treating them with a chemical or non-chemical bed bug mattress cleaner is a good practice. If you don’t want to take on this project yourself, consider hiring an exterminator who has the tools and knowledge needed to eliminate bed bugs for good.

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