“The referees altered the end result, there are rodents” – Newest Information, Breaking Information, Prime Information Headlines



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The AEK strong man spoke to SPOR FM 94.6 and complained about a change in the result in the losing quarter-finals with Lavrio, attributing 100% the exclusion of his team to the referees:

«There is no doubt. That’s for sure. Something bothered me. The team has proven in practice that they strive to improve Greek basketball. We have brought the last two international titles and the last two events in the country. We have turned our backs on the championship. We also made it to Final 8 which was the only event that was completed this year. We have done a lot. We demand respect and equality. “

«They didn’t respect AEK. That’s my question. Would you like good and healthy teams to prevail? Or the rodents that harm Greek basketball? I’ve been in the field, I’ve lived it with my own eyes. We immediately understood the first three pipes. It was outrageous. We started the fourth period 14-0. A player in front of me nodded to Slotter and received a defensive foul.

There are rodents. We have a lot of problems. We have injuries, we have absences, we have problems. Everything is in the game. When we lost, we didn’t protest, we didn’t speak in other arbitrations. But there has to be an end. That doesn’t happen anymore. “

Makis Angelopoulos said of these “rodents”: “The system that includes Greek arbitration. “There are people out there who don’t work for the good of the sport, but for ephemeral fame.”

“The specific referees, at least two of them, Poursanidis – Andrikopoulos, shouldn’t whistle what they did again this year. There has to be exemplary punishment. A race or two is not enough. You have changed a cup quarter-finals».

Regarding the percentage of responsibility for the defeat between referees and AEK’s image, he emphasized: “The referees are 100% to blame. They have to let you show you your potential. There’s a goal, they didn’t want us to play basketball. They did scouting, there were scouting reports ”.

Whether what happened makes him stronger: “We have proven it. We have to stay here and fight with healthy exertion. Always honest and in compliance with the rules ”.

Regarding the upcoming EEC elections, he remarked characteristically: “Things can’t be worse in the future, that’s for sure. We’ll see, we’ll discuss, we’ll talk. Basketball is the largest sports object in Greece. He has won most of the international titles. There we can compete with foreigners. There is a know-how, a know-how at all levels, which is of great importance for the country. It is a shame for him to go astray or to be endured by people with short-lived aspirations or a bad mentality».

Finally he said of Lavrio: “Lavrio is making a commendable effort. He’s had a coach for many years, good foreigners. We congratulated them when they beat us at the beginning of the season. We are for these teams, I wish there were other teams like that and so on. “

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