The bizarre drawback of bedbug infestation in libraries nationwide | Anita Durairaj

The unusual problem of bedbug infestation in libraries nationwide | Anita Durairaj

Bed bugs have always been a real problem for libraries. Bugs found in library books are not uncommon and the problem persists even now in 2022.

One of the worst library bug infestations occurred in 2009 at the Denver Public Library. A senior user borrowed some rare books and took them home. Unfortunately, the patron lived in a bug-infested apartment and when he returned the rare books, he unknowingly brought the bugs back into the library. The books he returned contained beetles, larvae and feces.

The library was infested and 31 books were destroyed. Four areas of the central library had to be gassed. The replacement cost of the books was $12,000 and the fumigation cost was $6,000.

The Denver Public Library incident shows the most common route for bugs to enter libraries — when a user’s home is bug-infested. Another way that bugs get into libraries is through people, such as the homeless, who tend to spend long hours in libraries. In this case, the beetles ride along on their clothing or belongings. The bed bugs are then found in the chairs, sofas and computer stations.

Although the Denver incident happened in 2009, in 2022 the problem is still very common.

In July 2022, two libraries in Sacramento, California found bed bugs in their books. The books were immediately isolated and quarantined.

Libraries are now taking a proactive approach by inspecting books and treating furniture.

Pest control experts state that the incidence of bed bugs in libraries is still low, but it always pays to be cautious.