‘Termite’, ‘parasite’ amongst vibrant tags for pollies


The members of the House of Representatives were referred to as “termites in the rut”. Reporters made fun of political institutions and personalities this year.

Reporters covering the parliamentary strike agreed that MPs should be referred to as “Pluak Jom Pluk” (termite in the rut) as they were apparently employed to ensure their own survival.

In the lower house, MPs work like termites not only to survive, but to advance their cause in a power struggle.

They have failed to mobilize their parliamentary power and resources to find solutions to people’s problems. Parliament’s sessions were often disrupted by a lack of quorum.

The reporters felt that many MPs did not consider attending parliamentary sessions an important duty.

They are compared to an old way of thinking where they are less interested in being active or developing themselves.

Meanwhile, the Senate has been labeled a “parasite” because it has been accused of being insidious in its political maneuvers that have deleterious effects on the legislative process.

One example is that the House of Lords – whose members have been criticized for being heir to the coup leader appointed by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) – has cited restrictions in the constitution to delay efforts to amend the charter .

Incidentally, the proposed amendment to the statutes was voted “event of the year” by parliamentary reporters.

It has been rated as one of the most difficult charters to rewrite, as it requires the support of at least a third of the Senators to come up with a proposal for change.

So far, the campaign in Parliament to get the amendment rolling has been shaken by conflicts over whether the constitution should be rewritten in whole or in part, or whether the basic content should remain intact.

In addition, reporters have called the President of Parliament Chuan Leekpai a “headmaster with a broken rod.”

They found that Mr. Chuan was unable to effectively enforce parliamentary rules, leading to frequent adjournments due to a lack of quorum.

Mr. Chuan has long shown respect as a politician who obeys the principles.

However, according to reporters, he may struggle to contain parliamentarians, who sometimes do not take him seriously.