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Lord Howe Island inside whiskers of wiping out all rodents |...

News, national, the country, Lord Howe Island, rodents, mice, extermination, Dr. Terry O'Dwyer, Matt KeanAs the number of mice on the mainland grows,...

Island Conservation Minus the Rodents, Lord Howe Wildlife Prospers

After removing more than 300,000 invasive rodents from Lord Howe Island, native birds, insects and plants are recovering at a remarkable and unexpected rate. Lord...

Lord Howe Island inside whiskers of wiping out all rodents |...

Dr. Terry O'Dwyer releases a woodhen after being managed in captivity for the duration of the rodent eradication project....

Lord Howe Island inside whiskers of wiping out all rodents |...

News, national, the country, Lord Howe Island, rodents, mice, extermination, Dr. Terry O'Dwyer, Matt KeanAs the number of mice on the mainland grows,...

World Heritage-listed Lord Howe Island wildlife thrives after eradicating 300,000 rodents

The Lord Howe Island community is celebrating an "ecological renaissance" after a successful $ 15 million rodent eradication project to remove rodents from the...