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Tag: Edible

Edible insect merchandise flying off cabinets

While Americans don't exactly queue up to devour a bowl of crickets, eating insects as part of a balanced diet is an important part...

Kumbe Kumbe, Different Kenyan Native Names for Termites, Edible Flying Bugs

Some residents of western Kenya have even jumped at the opportunity to turn insect delicacies into...

Low security threat from edible insect merchandise, finds FSA

According to an assessment by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), there is a low risk to the public from edible insects sold in the...

Edible Bugs | NOVA | PBS

From crunchy cricket chips to nutty black soldier fly maggots, Edible Insects skips cultural and culinary boundaries to explore the insect food industry and...

Instagram gardening star @SheGrowsVeg to design edible backyard at RHS Hampton

Lucy Hutchings, auch bekannt als Instagram-Gartenstar She Grows Veg, gibt ihr Debüt beim RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2021.Die ehemalige Couture-Schmuckdesignerin Lucy, die...

Well being and sustainability greatest drivers as APAC governments enhance backing...

The global edible insect industry is expected to appreciate in value by 2023, reaching over $ 1 billion. Over 2,100 species of insects...

Chocolate Cicadas and Mealworm Mints: Will FDA Spit Out Steerage for...

May was full of good news for the edible insect industry, but this emerging food trend is still facing regulatory uncertainties in the US. Earlier...

Chocolate Cicadas and Mealworm Mints: Will FDA Spit Out Steering for...

May was full of good news for the edible insect industry, but this emerging food trend is still facing regulatory uncertainties in the US. Earlier...

EU Approves Edible Bugs for People however Roadblocks Stay

In Europe, interest in breeding edible insects is growing after an EU vote earlier this month that highlighted the first insect-derived food in green...