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These are probably the most mattress bug-infested buildings in NYC: report

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite - unless your building has an infestation. No New Yorker wants to think about...

Portland Housing Authority tenants in three buildings complain of ongoing bug...

As the Portland Housing Authority works to combat a bed bug infestation in Franklin Towers, residents at two other PHA properties, Solterra and Bayside...

These are essentially the most mattress bug-infested buildings in NYC: report

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite - unless your building has an infestation. No New Yorker wants to think about...

Termites being eradicated from historic buildings

West Indian drywood termites receive marching orders from two historic Maryborough buildings. A specialized fumigation will be conducted at the Gatakers Warehouse at...