Study rodents and different backyard pests | Gila County


Pocket squirrels, rabbits, ground squirrels, mice, and birds – Greenlee County’s horticultural program coordinator Bill Cook has looked at voracious rodents and more. Garden assessment and planning can help solve vertebrate pest challenges in Arizona, but you may be surprised to learn that the law protects some vertebrate animals that cause problems in gardens and landscapes.

Learn more on Thursday, August 5th at 11 a.m. during a one-hour free webinar where Cook explains how vertebrate pest damage is treated and when it is appropriate to use control strategies.

Free weekly online forums hosted by the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Gila County do not require pre-registration. Guests can log in up to 10 minutes before the program starts at

An easy and convenient way to connect is through direct “Click Here” hotlinks at, where you can also see dozen of webinar topics from the past Thursdays, ranging from ground preparation to conservatory to container gardening and more range.

University of Arizona’s Gila County Cooperative Extension Agent Chris Jones is hosting the popular series, and the Cooperative Extension website has a number of links to programs, lectures, and resources. Links are also conveniently posted each week on Facebook, where you can join Jones and a network of Gila County gardeners at To be added to an email invite list for these gardening and horticultural workshops, call Jones at 928-402-8586 or email

Cook has run a small nursery and greenhouse business from home for the past 12 years, doing custom propagation and specializing in old fruit and vegetable plants. His background includes growing cotton, golf course maintenance, landscaping and installation.