Sorry, insect lovers, the Brood X cicadas rising within the US will not be close to Nebraska | Dwelling & Backyard


They start with eggs laid on branches and in twigs and other undergrowth before hatching and moving underground.

Then the mating madness begins. The adult males will spend the next couple of months flying around attracting mates with a phone call that can reach 100 decibels.

“The biggest complaint about these cicadas is the noise,” Chapman said. “It is very loud.”

At the end of the mating season, eggs are laid, the cicadas die and the cycle starts all over again. After all the time underground, the adults only live a month or two above the ground.

“It’s like all of your energy is growing,” said Chapman. “They’re only out to mate, lay more eggs, and die again, and that’s unique in how disproportionate their lifestyle is.”