Home Bed Bugs Senior residing group in KCK impacted by bedbugs

Senior residing group in KCK impacted by bedbugs

Senior living community in KCK impacted by bedbugs

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (KCTV) – The Victory Hills senior living community is being condemned. The apartment complex is struggling with a bed bug infestation.

District ordinance officials declared the building “uninhabitable.” The light pink notice was on the front window of the building on 70th Street.

About 200 seniors live in Victory Hills. Several residents told KCTV5 that the bugs have invaded every aspect of their lives.

“They’re just everywhere,” said one woman who asked not to be identified. invade your apartment. “I’ve been bitten, yes,” she said.

She said the problem is throughout the building. “I mean, they’re in the hallways,” she said. “You meet someone in the elevator.”

The insect infestation has disrupted all social activity and left residents isolated, effectively closing the facility.

“Because of the bugs, they removed most of the chairs and most of the furniture,” said another resident. “The dining room closed.”

Last week, Wyandotte County Code Enforcers declared the building uninhabitable. The following statement was sent to KCTV5.

“Our office was made aware of a possible bed bug infestation at the Victory Hills Senior Living Center last week. During the week we received at least 8 complaints from residents and some of their family members. This information was confirmed by the management of the facility on site. Knowing this, we have decided to report the property as uninhabitable. The property was posted by our inspector on Friday 01/06/2023 and a notice of unfitness to hear was sent this morning Monday 01/09/2023.

The notice has been sent to the owners of the facility and states that an administrative hearing is scheduled for Thursday, 1/26/2023 at the Neighborhood Resource Center between representatives of the United Government’s Property Maintenance Compliance Division and the owners/representatives of Victory Hills Senior Citizens’ Living Center. On or before the date of the hearing, we are asking the facility owner/manager to provide us with a comprehensive plan to address the building’s vermin problem. The poster on the property states Friday, January 27th, 2023 as the date of eviction. If no plan is in place at the time of the hearing, that eviction date will be enforced by our office and no one will be allowed to reside at the facility until the issue is resolved. However, it is not our desire to oust even one tenant from Victory Hills.

It is our intention, with the publication of the property as unsuitable, that notification obliges those responsible to resolve this issue as quickly as possible for the health, safety and welfare of all residents and their families. We have also been in touch with a number of our community partners such as the Department of Housing and the Office of Veterans Affairs to update their awareness of the actions we are taking and our hope for the best possible outcome for all involved.”

Residents said it was not the first bed bug experience at the senior living complex.

“It’s a problem all the time, oh yeah,” said one resident. “And it won’t be fixed in a day or two.”

They hope that the building management will find a solution to finally eliminate the errors, because moving is not an option.

“Nobody will want us if we move because we’re just contaminated,” said the woman with the contaminated unit. “We are taboo”

The Tutera group, which manages the building, will face an unfitness hearing on January 26. At the hearing, the property manager must present a plan for eliminating the bed bugs.

KCTV5 contacted Tutera and we received the following statement:

“Background: In November 2019, Victory Hills ceased operations as a self-contained living and assisted living facility for seniors, at which time Victory Hills was converted into an affordable apartment building. Since the remodel, Victory Hills has undergone significant renovations and re-letting in the community.

Victory Hills received notification from the United Government late in the afternoon of January 6, 2023 of a bed bug infestation occurring primarily on the 5th floor of the apartment building. As part of the affordable housing transition, Victory Hills is committed to various community housing programs to address the housing needs in the community of Kansas City, Kansas, and Victory Hills is committed to providing this service and promptly resolving this issue for those affected residents inside the building.

“A representative from Victory Hills met with United Government officials this morning regarding this notice and we are preparing an action plan to be implemented for their review and approval to address this issue. In fact, even pending United Government approval of the action plan, Victory Hills is working directly with residents whose units are impacted to ensure they are housed while Victory Hills implements the pest control measures needed to eradicate the bed bugs.”

Matt Kaushal

Executive Vice President Real Estate

tutera group