Rutgers Cooperative Extension presents Gardening Training Collection

Rutgers Cooperative Extension offers Gardening Education Series

The Rutgers Cooperative Extension of the Sussex County Gardening Education Series 2023 is open for registration.

The program delves into the science of gardening through 16 online lectures delivered by content experts and five core pre-recorded webinars, plus additional optional webinar content, resources, and classroom discussions.

All live presentations will be recorded for later viewing by those registered.

The program costs $250.

Topics include botany, soil, entomology, composting, vegetable gardening, small fruit, tree crops, copses and trees, herbaceous plants, lawns, plant pathology and pruning, among others.

To register or request information about the program please follow this link: or go online to

If you have any questions, please contact the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Sussex County Program Coordinator, Lisa Chiariello, at 973-948-3040 or email