‘Rodents and roaches’: Resident involved about overgrown grass in neighboring vacant heaps


Note: Our source has asked to remain anonymous and is referred to as a “Primera Resident”.

PRIMERA, Texas (KVEO) – Tallgrass follows heavy rains, and a Primera resident said it was slowly surrounding her home.

“I explained to the city that I was frustrated living between two lots or two uninhabited lots,” said the Primera resident.

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The resident said she had never seen the grass so high.

Courtesy Primera Resident

“The weeds here on my left are up to six feet tall,” said this Primera resident.

The tall grass became a bigger problem when unwanted animals began appearing on their property.

“When we get a lot of rain, it keeps a lot of moisture for the mosquitoes. Second, rodents … rats, your possums, your cockroaches, ”she said. “Where should you come? You will come to my parents’ property “

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This resident said that her late parents gave her the house and that she is trying to respect her last wishes.

She explained that the vacant house is being looked after by an elderly man, but in her opinion it should be removed as he could injure himself.

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“Because I have the feeling that at his age – he is around 80 years old – he shouldn’t cut this garden,” said the resident. “I saw him fall and helped him up – I mean, that’s just not right.”

Photo credits: KVEO Iris Karami; Pictured: empty house

Primera Police Chief Manuel Trevino told KVEO that the city is aware of the problem and explained how the city is proceeding.

“If our enforcement officer sees a lot of overgrowth, the code enforcement officer sends a letter notifying the homeowner or property owner, and we base that information on the assessment district,” said Trevino.

Trevino said they have seven days to comply or they will be given a lien on their house after sending a letter.

However, Trevino said that the imposition of many liens on real estate can become a problem of its own.

“There are times when property [owners] would prefer the city keep liens … because to them it’s like ‘might as well cut the city’ and if the property is sold, some of the profits from it go to pay off the city, and you know that the problem is solved for them, ”said Trevino.

Trevino said the city had sent public works on the resident’s property to examine the property and help clean up overgrown grass.