Proof of roach exercise, insect larvae and cocoons: Lancaster County restaurant inspections, Nov. 25, 2022 | Lancaster County Restaurant Inspections

Evidence of roach activity, insect larvae and cocoons: Lancaster County restaurant inspections, Nov. 25, 2022 | Lancaster County Restaurant Inspections

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers.

Honey’s Cakes & Candies, 15 S. Third St., Columbia, opening, Nov. 19. Pass. Food facility does not employ a certified food employee as required. The facility is scheduled to take a state-recognized food safety course.

Barshinger/Life Science Cafe, 600 College Ave., Building 8, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Beiler’s Taste Of Home Bakery, 955 N. State St., Building 1, Ephrata, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Ben Franklin Dining Hall, 600 College Ave., Building 7, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Blue Line Cafe, 563 Old Main Drive, Building 11, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Darshan International Grocery, 1724 Columbia Ave., Nov. 18. Pass. Prepackaged vegetables are not labeled properly with the name of product, and distributed by statement. Paper towel dispenser empty at the hand-wash sink in the restroom. Food facility inspection indicates evidence of roach activity in the back where the freezer is located and in the restroom. Insect larvae and cocoons at the wall/ceiling juncture. Food facility is receiving shell eggs that are not labeled properly and do not contain safe handling instructions. Food facility did not have documentation or proof available as to where the eggs are from. The employee restroom is in disgusting condition; filth in the hand-wash sink and on the faucet and knobs, on the walls, and on the floors. Raw shell eggs stored above vegetables in the reach-in cooler.

Figments In Sprinkles, 50 S. Market St., Elizabethtown, opening, Nov. 18. Pass. Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration.

Hissho Sushi at Franklin & Marshall, 628 College Ave., Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Lapp Valley Farm/Store (Building 6), 955 N. State St., Ephrata, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Markethouse Coffee Corner, 15 S. Third St., Columbia, opening, Nov. 18. Pass. Food facility does not employ a certified food employee as required. The facility is scheduled to take a state-recognized food safety course.

Si Mangia On Wheels, mobile food facility Type 4, 2141 River Road, Bainbridge, opening, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Steinman College Center – Pandinis, 600 College Ave., Building 63, Nov. 18. Pass. No violations.

Annie Bailey’s Pub, 28 E. King St., follow-up, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

Burger King No. 1514, 5300 Main St., East Petersburg, follow-up, Nov. 17. Pass. An open employee’s beverage container was on top of ice machine near kitchen hand-wash sink; corrected.

Centerville Elementary School, 901 Centerville Road, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

Lititz Springs Inn And Spa (Bulls Heads), 14 E. Main St., Lititz, Nov. 17. Fail. Nov. 15, food employee in kitchen area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as net or hat. Nov. 17, two food employees in kitchen area, not wearing hair restraints, such as beard covers. Five thawed fish inside reduced oxygen packaging not following the package instructions for thawing: Remove from vacuum package prior to thawing; corrected; voluntarily discarded. An irreversible registering temperature indicator was not provided and readily accessible for measuring the utensil surface temperature at the pub area and pub Lounge. Wet wiping cloths in kitchen area, not being stored in sanitizer solution. Chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher was 0 ppm, and not 50-100 ppm as required at the cocktail bar. An insect control device such as fly strips located in kitchen area and near hand-wash sink in food prep area with potential to contaminate food, equipment, and/or utensils. The person in charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this noncompliant inspection. Two raw shell eggs stored above ready-to-eat guacamole. Two deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required. Cooking equipment in the kitchen area with encrusted grease and soil accumulation. Static dust accumulation on rack for pots above the food prep area. An employee’s open beverage container was above food preparation area. A half gallon of milk used for consumption by the glass beyond the sell-by date of Nov. 12 at the pub. The hand-wash sink in the dessert area was blocked by a trash can and not accessible at all times for employee use. Butane fuel stored with ingredient/spices. Butane fuel stored near clean plates at dessert area.

Mountville Elementary School, 120 College Ave., Mountville, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

New Holland Coffee Co., 29 E. King St., Nov. 17. Fail. Food stored directly on the floor in the walk-in, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Clean ice machine. Nonfood contact surfaces identified during the inspection not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration.

PDA – Territory 6E, 2301 N. Cameron St., room 100, complaint, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

Pho Pasteur 3, 2204 Columbia Ave., Nov. 17. Fail. The food facility is using nonfood-grade buckets to store food in. Raw beef stored above fish balls in the walk-in cooler. Boxes of food stored directly on the floor in the walk-in freezer, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Marinated pork chops and sliced tomatoes were held at 58 F and 54 F, respectively, in the on top of the cooling units, rather than 41 F or below as required; prior violation Nov. 1, 2021. Cardboard, not cleanable, being used to line shelves in the walk-in cooler. Old food residue on the inner rim of the slicer; prior violation Nov. 1, 2021. A slimy, black residue up inside the ice maker and on the deflector plate of the ice maker. Single-service, single-use articles (to-go boxes) stored in wait-station directly on the floor, and not 6 inches above the floor. A food residue buildup on all high contact areas, knobs, handles, and doors. A black residue inside the fan guards of the walk-in cooler. Old food splatter on the upper interior of the microwaves. A residue buildup on the shelf where clean pans are stored at the cook-line. Several broken and missing tiles across from the walk-in cooler. An excessive buildup of ice in the walk-in freezer. The ice is covering boxes of food, the floor, and shelves. Two extremely tattered wire sieves, subjecting food to physical contamination. Water leaking from the drain of the pre-rinse sink at the mechanical dishwasher. The person in charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this noncompliant inspection. Food facility has an employee who held a Certified food manager certificate; however, the certificate has expired and is no longer valid. The food facility has 90 days to enroll an employee in a state-recognized food safety course. Mops are not being hung to air-dry. Dirty mop water not being disposed of. A package of Salonpas, a pain reliever, stored above the food preparation area; prior violation 11/1/2021.

Prince Of Subs, 145 S. Prince St., follow-up, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

Save-Mor Groceries, 138 E. Main St., New Holland, Nov. 17. Pass. Raw bacon was stored above yogurt, a ready to eat food, in the food display shelf in walk in cooler. Gatorade drink mix stored directly on the floor in food display area, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Condenser unit in food storage closet with over filled buckets. Milk was was beyond the manufacturer’s original date; milk was discarded. Ceiling tiles broken and missing throughout the facility and need to be replaced.

Turkey Hill Minit Market No. 075, 1349 Millersville Pike, Nov. 17. Pass. The food facility does not maintain food employee certification records as required. An employee has enrolled in a food safety class. An ingredient statement is not available for cookies, muffins and doughnuts in the self-serve cabinet. Pink slime on the deflector plate of the ice maker of the self-serve soda machine. Spillage on the floor behind the “chill out” machine. The floor in the customer area all around the front counter is extremely pitted and no longer smooth and easily cleanable; repeat violation 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Valley Brook Farms, 168 Reading Road, East Earl, Nov. 17. Pass. No violations.

Wawa Food Market No. 158, 1990 Miller Road, East Petersburg, Nov. 17. Pass. Static dust accumulation on the vents above iced coffee area. Food employee in back food prep area wearing a watch. An employee’s open beverage container was in coffee preparation area. Food employees in front food prep area, not wearing proper hair restraints, such as beard covers; corrected.

Bravo Supermarket, 225 W. King St., follow-up, Nov. 16. Fail. Scoop being stored in the ice machine with handle buried beneath the ice. Wet wiping cloths in front food prep area, not being stored in sanitizer solution. Date and label throughout. Container used to marinate chicken was to have old food residue and is not easily cleanable. Remove cardboard from reach in produce refrigeration unit.

Brecht School, 1250 Lititz Pike, Nov. 16. Pass. No violations.

Ephrata Beverage, 36 B. Reading Road, Ephrata, Nov. 16. Pass. No violations.

Evergreen Acres Produce, 745 N. Reading Road, Ephrata, Nov. 16. Pass. No violations.

Faith Outreach Center, 475 Anderson Ferry Road, Mount Joy, Nov. 16. Pass. Raw shell eggs stored on shelf above drinks in the reach-in cooler. Four deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required.

Frisco’s Catering, 1669 Old Philadelphia Pike, opening, Nov. 16. Pass. The floor/wall juncture in the mop room is not covered and closed to 1/32 inch. Soap was not available at the hand-wash sink in the front service area. Paper towel dispenser empty at the hand-wash sink in the front service area. Ceiling tiles are missing in the mop room exposing insulation and pipes.

Lancaster County Career & Technology Center, 432 Old Market St., Mount Joy, Nov. 16. Pass. No sign or poster posted at the hand-wash sink in the kitchen area to remind food employees to wash their hands; corrected.

Mary Mother Of The Church, 625 Union School Road, Mount Joy, Nov. 16. Pass. Peeling paint on the air-duct in the ingredient storage room. Dust build-up on the vents in the ingredient storage room.

New Story Schools – Mountville, 3710 Hempland Road, Mountville, opening, Nov. 16. Pass. No violations.

PA Auction Center, 1141 Wea Wit St., East Earl, Nov. 16. Pass. Brown film build up inside of the ice machine. Food in the refrigerator area stored open with no covering. Commercially processed, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature-control-for-safety food, located in the refrigerator, and held more than 24 hours, is not being marked with the date it was opened.

Palermo Pizza & Italian Restaurant, 351 W. Main St., New Holland, Nov. 16. Fail. The person in charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this noncompliant inspection. Deeply scored wooden cutting board being used and need to be replaced. Encrusted food residue on can opener blade. Mops are not being hung to air dry. Food employee eating or tasting food on a food preparation surface. Commercially processed, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature-control-for-safety food, located in the walk-in cooler, and held more than 24 hours, is not being marked with the date it was opened/sliced. Food employee changing tasks that may have contaminated hands without a proper hand-washing in between. A food employee was cutting up tomatoes — a ready-to-eat food — with bare hands; voluntarily discarded. The hand-wash sink in the kitchen area was blocked by trashcan and not accessible at all times for employee use. A working container of cleaner was stored on the same shelf with single service articles in the kitchen area. A working container of medication was stored on the same shelf with food in the kitchen area. Onions stored directly on the floor in food storage area, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. A shelf used to store, food storage pans, constructed of bare wood that is not a nonabsorbent material.

Plaza Mexico Restaurant, 1651 Lincoln Highway East, complaint, Nov. 16. Pass. The Food facility operator shall be the person in charge or shall designate a person in charge and shall ensure that a person in charge is available during all hours of operation. Boxes of chicken stored directly on the floor in the walk-in cooler, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Cooked rice was held at 62 F, in the food preparation area, rather than 41 F or below as required. Unopened, Reduced oxygen packaged fish, thawing in a cup on the table rather than under refrigeration.

Two Cousins Pizza – Downtown, 155 E. King St., Nov. 16. Fail. Nonfood contact surfaces identified during the inspection not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Date and label throughout. Clean ice machine.

Grocery Outlet, 2108 Spring Valley Road, Nov. 15. Pass. Ceiling tiles missing in the customer area and need to be replaced.

Kissel Hill Elementary School, 215 Landis Valley Road, Lititz, Nov. 15. Pass. Toilet rooms do not have a self-closing door.

Lancaster Day Care Center, 146 S. Queen St., Nov. 15. Pass. No violations.

Nonna Rosa Traditional Italian Kitchen, 363 S. Seventh St., Akron, Nov. 15. Fail. Onions food stored directly on the floor in kitchen area, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Multiple foods, which are refrigerated ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, in the walk-in cooler area, were not compliant with date-marking by being labeled with a discard or use-by date of no more than seven days and requires discarding. Throughout the food facility is dirty, dusty and in need of cleaning. A working container of carpet cleaner was stored on the same shelf with utensils in the kitchen area. The person in charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of the PA Food Code as evidenced by incorrect responses to food safety questions. Employees were touching ready to eat foods with bare hands. Clean equipment, utensils, linens stored in kitchen area directly on the floor and not 6 inches above the floor.

Riviera Pizza, 1405 N. Reading Road, Reamstown, Nov. 15. Pass. Nonfood contact surfaces, such as shelving, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Clean food containers in rear dough mixing area, stored wet in a manner that does not allow for draining and/or air drying (wet nesting). Food employee in prep area, not wearing proper hair restraint, such as a net or hat. The others employees had hats; prior violation Nov. 15, 2021. Assorted food sausage, chicken, cut vegetables were held at 46-47 F, in the walk in cooler, rather than 41 F or below as required. The food was voluntarily discarded. The owner will provide the report of evaluation and repair to the inspector. Assorted cooked food (sausage, chicken) were not being monitored to ensure that they are cooled from 135 F to 70 F in two hours and/or from 135 F to 41 F within six hours, after preparation. This includes the time that 135 F is achieved and recording the times and temperatures to ensure compliance. Ice machine not cleaned at a frequency to prevent the presence of mold.

Solvit Academy, 354 N. Prince St., Suite 110, Nov. 15. Pass. No violations.

Subway, 2102 Spring Valley Road, Nov. 15. Pass. Static dust on the air-intake vent on the oven. A slimy pink and clear residue up inside the soda nozzles.

Subway, 217 N. Queen St., Suite 219, follow-up, Nov. 15. Pass. No violations.

Supernatural Produce 4, 923 S. Duke St., follow-up, Nov. 15. Pass. No violations.

Wendy’s No. 19233, 804 W. Main St., New Holland, complaint, Nov. 15. Pass. Food employee changing tasks without a proper hand-washing in between. Employee touched food with contaminated hands.

Castaneda Mexican Restaurant, 323 Main St., Denver, Nov. 14. Pass. Exterior of fume hood has accumulation of grease.

Cocalico Tavern, 1015 N. Reading Road, Stevens, Nov. 14. Pass. No violations.

Comfort Inn Lancaster County, 3903 Abel Drive, Columbia, type 2 follow-up, Nov. 14. Pass. Raw shell eggs stored above bottles of water in the refrigerator. Hood system is not adequate to remove heat and/or grease, as evidenced by condensate and/or grease collecting on the walls, ceilings, and fixtures; repeat violation of 2021 and 2022. Food facility has lost its certified food employee over three months ago and has not replaced the certified food employee as required. Facility has 90 days to enroll an employee in a state-recognized food safety course. Dishes and utensils in the hand-wash sink, indicating uses other than hand-washing; repeat violation.

Lancaster City Nutrition, 307 N. Queen St., follow-up, Nov. 14. Pass. No violations.

Landisville Middle School, 340 Mumma Drive, Landisville, Nov. 14. Pass. An excessive number of “pillars” of ice in the walk-in freezer. Ice extending from the back of the condensing unit and building up on the shelves and floor of the walk-in freezer.

Pat’s Pizzeria, 1100 Harrisburg Ave., change of owner, Nov. 14. Fail. Food employee did not follow proper hand-washing procedure. Warm water not used. Employees are unable to wash their hands properly with warm water; the knob for the hot water does not work. The preparation sink has been set up as a temporary hand-wash sink until the proper hand-wash sink is repaired. New food facility in operation more than 90 days and has not employed a certified food employee as required. Food facility does not employ a certified food employee as required. Mops are not being hung to air-dry. Food employee donning single-use gloves without a prior hand-washing. An employee’s open beverage container was on a shelf in the dough preparation area and on the table in the back food preparation area. Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration. The person in charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this noncompliant inspection. A spray bottle of oil, in the dough preparation area, not labeled with the common name of the food. Prepackaged cheesecakes are not labeled properly with the name of product, ingredient statement, distributed by statement. Prepackage cheesecakes are not labeled to clearly indicate any “Big 8” allergen ingredients and/or the allergen warning statement. Old food residue on the inner rim of the slicer. Women’s toilet room is not provided with a covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins. A baffle missing on the fume hood directly over the grill subjecting food to drip contamination. A grease buildup inside the two fryer cabinets in the back. Old food splatter on the upper interior of the microwave. Bags of trash and other debris behind the dumpsters.

Rohrerstown Diner, 2211 Marietta Ave., Nov. 14. Pass. Food employee donning single use gloves without a prior hand-washing. Several boxes of food stored directly on the floor in the walk-in cooler, rather than 6 inches off the floor as required. Chlorine chemical sanitizer residual detected in the final sanitizer rinse cycle of the low temperature sanitizing dishwasher was 0 ppm, and not 50-100 ppm as required. Service was called for while the inspection continued, serviceman will be out in the morning. The facility set up their three-compartment sink for sanitizing prior to end of inspection. Food employee towel drying utensils and food equipment after cleaning.

Spring Gulch RV Campground, 475 Lynch Road, New Holland, Nov. 14. Pass. No violations.

The Village Haus, 2 N. Market St., Reinholds, Nov. 14. Pass. Assorted containers, fry cutter, and tongs were to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch; removed and cleaned. Ice machine not cleaned at a frequency to prevent the presence of mold. Floor under and around the cooking line has grease and food litter

Willow Creek Discount Grocery 2, 240 Main St., Denver, Nov. 14. Pass. Commercially processed, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature-control-for-safety food held more than 24 hours and is not being marked with the date it was opened.

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