One upside of the pandemic? House gardening is booming. Within the Inland Northwest, now’s the time to plan your planting. | Household & Parenting | Spokane | The Pacific Northwest Inlander


Jonathan Hill illustration


A year ago, when lockdown restrictions went into effect and supermarket buying began to panic, home horticulture was enjoying a well-known boom. W. Atlee Burpee & Co., the company behind Burpee’s popular flower and vegetable seed packets, saw sales that set new records in its 144-year history. Households that had never spent much time thinking about companion planting or soil pH suddenly turned to gardening as a complementary source of food and fun, relaxing outdoor activity.

This year, many of these households are looking forward to building on this experience in a new growing season. And in the northwest of the country, where the last frost date is usually still in mid-May, late spring is the perfect time to start planning a home garden – planning is the definitive word. The season begins by deciding what to grow and identifying limits such as capacity and timing.

“In this area, because we have a short growing season, you’ll probably want to start with tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, onions, eggplants, melons, and cucumbers. And lettuce, if you want an early harvest for a spring salad. They’re all pretty much.” simple, “says Patricia Munts, co-author of the Northwest Gardener’s Handbook and small farm and land coordinator for Washington State University’s Spokane County Extension.

“The process of getting seeds,” she adds, “is the hardest part.” Munts recommends yoghurt pots or cottage cheese boxes – always with drainage holes in the bottom – as suitable plant containers. “Egg cartons are made. They don’t have enough root space for anything to grow.”

During this early planting and growing phase, you can find the most valuable tips and instructions right on the seed packets. Kendra Dean, an independent breeder from the Spokane area who owns Dogwild Farm, says she has learned to carefully follow the recommended planting dates, germination periods, watering requirements, fertilization needs, and sunlight preferences, which are often noted on the back.


“I still look at every single seed package. Some of the simplest mistakes are starting things too early, not starting them early enough, or starting everything at the same time,” she says. The seed packets also indicate whether the plants can be sown directly, that is, sown directly in the garden bed, or whether they must be started indoors. Beans, peas, carrots, and radishes are common examples of no-till vegetables.

Irrational exuberance borrowing a term from business is another potential preseason threat.

“People are overwhelmed and want to plant everything,” says Dean. “I see it all the time. It’s best to start with things that grow well here. Hot peppers, for example, are a challenge in this area. It’s always good to make a few small profits yourself.”

Once the seeds are embedded in high quality potting soil, the critical variables become temperature and light.

“Most seeds take between 65 and 75 degrees to start, so a household temperature is fine,” Munts says. “If you put them against a window, the temperature fluctuates. Germination is either slow or too cold for them to sprout. The other thing is, we only have about nine hours of daylight [in early spring]. I’ve found that seeds need at least 12-14 hours of bright light per day to really get going and not get spindle shaped. ”

Although seeds initially require careful manipulation of their growing conditions, expensive growing lights are not required. Munts uses off-the-shelf LED shop lights that she bought in a large store. She puts the lights on a timer and positions them about 2 inches from the top of the apartments, which are the large bowls that hold the seed containers.

The seedlings that develop after a few weeks are usually tougher and less fussy than the young sprouts, but still need special treatment.


“If it’s just before the planting season, you need to harden them. Take the apartments outside on a warm, calm day first so the plants can adjust to the outside temperatures. It will take about a week. And if you remove them , gently squeeze the container, flip it over, pull the container off, and flip the plant right side up. This is the least likely to disturb the roots, “says Munts.

Cucumbers, pumpkins and melons are particularly susceptible to the slightest root disturbance during transplanting. So she and Dean recommend biodegradable pots that can be planted directly in the ground.

And if, despite your best efforts, your cucumbers are withering and your tomatoes are staying dry, don’t be discouraged. You are in good company.

“Last year there were 20 million new gardeners because of the pandemic. I’ve been gardening for over 40 years. During that time, I’ve killed more plants than I’d like to think,” says Munts with a laugh. “The key is patience. Especially when you work with children. You need to remember that plants take time. The joy is in learning the process of sowing and watering and then the excitement of planting day.”

“Gardening and checking in on your plants daily are a great way to spend some time outdoors,” adds Dean. “It’s about having fun and being light-hearted, knowing that your few tomato plants won’t replace your food budget, but they will taste really good in the end.”

Cultivate a greener thumb

  • Follow the instructions on the seed packages
  • Read books like Gardening in the Inland Northwest and Northwest Gardener’s Handbook
  • Visit your local farmers market and speak directly to experienced growers
  • Get advice directly from the local master gardeners via