Oh No! Grand Rapids Ranked Prime in Michigan for Mattress Bugs AGAIN

Oh No! Grand Rapids Ranked Top in Michigan for Bed Bugs AGAIN

I don’t think Grand Rapids wants to be known for that.

Exterminators are tackling the growing bed bug problem in the US

Justin Sullivan, Getty Images

Once again, the city of Grand Rapids has been ranked in the top 20 cities with bed bugs.

According to a study by Orkin, they recommend it

“Travellers are reminded to start planning vacations, including finding travel accommodation. As Americans begin booking hotels for 2023 and beyond, knowing how to spot and thoroughly screen for bed bugs in hotel rooms (and beyond) is crucial for travelers. while being careful not to bring the pests into your own four walls.”

Grand Rapids sits at number 12 on the list, falling just a meager spot from last year’s list.

Women look for unusual things and discover bed bugs in the bedroom.


At least we don’t live in Chicago, as that city has held the number one spot for three years.

Grand Rapids isn’t the only Michigan city with an apparent bed bug problem.

Unfortunately, Detroit sits at number 6 on the list of the 50 cities.

  1. Chicago
  2. New York (+1)
  3. Philly (-1)
  4. Cleveland-Akron, OH (+4)
  5. Los Angeles (+7)
  6. Detroit (-2)
  7. Indianapolis (-1)
  8. Baltimore (-3)
  9. Washington, D.C. (-2)
  10. Columbus, Ohio (-1)
  11. Champaign, IL (+2)
  12. Grand Rapids, Michigan (-1)
  13. Cincinnati (-3)
  14. Charlotte (+1)
  15. Denver (+2)
  16. Atlanta (-2)
  17. Dallas-Ft. value (-1)
  18. Pittsburgh (+2)
  19. Charleston, West Virginia (+3)
  20. Raleigh Durham (+4)
  21. Flint, MI (+2)
  22. San Francisco (-3)
  23. Norfolk, VA (+2)
  24. Greenville, SC (-3)
  25. Saint Louis (-7)
  26. Richmond, Va
  27. Youngstown (+10)
  28. South Bend, IN (+5)
  29. Buffalo, New York (-1)
  30. Knoxville (-1)
  31. Cedar Rapids, MI (-1)
  32. Omaha, New Zealand (-5)
  33. Nashville (+1)
  34. Dayton, Ohio (-2)
  35. feet Wayne, IN (+1)
  36. Harrisburg (+6)
  37. Davenport (-2)
  38. Toledo (-7)
  39. Seattle (+5)
  40. Milwaukee (-2)
  41. Tampa (-1)
  42. Lansing, MI (+6)
  43. Greensboro, NC
  44. Houston (-3)
  45. Miami (-6)
  46. Lexington, Kentucky (+1)
  47. Orlando (-1)
  48. Peoria (-3)
  49. Louisville, Kentucky (-3)
  50. Lincoln, Ne

Brian Kersey, Getty Images

Brian Kersey, Getty Images

Orkin recommends the SLEEP method.

Examination (the hotel room for signs of bed bugs)

Lift (the mattress, box spring, etc. to see if they are there)

Increase (Keep your luggage off the bed and walls)

Examine (check your luggage once you get home)

Place (all garments in the dryer for at least 30 to 45 minutes on the highest setting)

TikToker’s stories about creepy creatures in the Midwest

Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, paranoid, or just someone who enjoys delving into local legends and folklore, the thought of some of these creatures existing in your garden is enough to send shivers down your spine to hunt.