Northern Nevada landscaping and gardening: Summer season insect pests | Carson Metropolis Nevada Information


UPDATE 8:45 am Saturday: According to Sean Slamon, the Carson City Fire Department chief, the crews are still on site at the Prison Hill Fire, but the fire is under control. Ground staff are currently taking care of hotspots before afternoon winds come up and cause additional flares.

At the height of the fire, 80 to 90 firefighters were on duty, including off-duty employees who were called for help.

Streets near the fire will reopen soon, Slamon said.

Two helicopters assisted the ground crew, and Carson Fire “received a lot of help from our neighbors,” Slamon said.

The fire that burns near Brunswick Canyon is under their jurisdiction on BLM land, Slamon said, while Carson City crews had to prioritize the Prison Hill fire and its immediate threat to the Buzzy’s Ranch neighborhood.

The fire on Prison Hill burned around 200 acres, Slamon said.

Carson Now will continue to update as information becomes available.

UPDATE 7:45 PM; Carson River Road will be closed on 5th Street. Please stay out of the area to keep the fire accessible to ground personnel.

UPDATE 7:01 p.m .: Ground crew is in the hills while helicopters continue to attack fire from above.

UPDATE 5:57 p.m .: rain came in. Thunder and lightning still occur.

UPDATE 5:44 p.m .: Voluntary evacuations for Gentry underway.

UPDATE 5:35 p.m .: An additional fire is being fought near Deer Run Road.

UPDATE 5:31 p.m .: Helicopters help over Prison Hill fire.

UPDATE 5:17 AM: A bushfire was reported at 5:17 p.m. east of 1677 Quail Lane in Carson City on top of a hill.
The fire, which is said to be spreading rapidly, was caused by a lightning strike.
First aiders are dispatched to the area.

UPDATE 5:03 p.m .: Carson River Road will be closed from Fifth Street to Buzzy’s Ranch Road. In addition, no people including local residents will be allowed into the area.

UPDATE 4:56 p.m .: Fairview Drive will be closed south of the roundabout and north of the state prison.

UPDATE 4:52 p.m .: First responders are on site and are struggling to get to Prison Hill, where the fire is. The flames are moving east and no buildings are currently being destroyed.
A bush fire was reported on Prison Hill in Carson City shortly after 4:45 p.m.

First responders are on their way to Prison Hill. It is reported that there is a fire on top of the mountain.