Home Bed Bugs No mattress bugs discovered after inspection at Weston Wendy’s

No mattress bugs discovered after inspection at Weston Wendy’s

No bed bugs found after inspection at Weston Wendy’s

WESTON, W.Va (WDTV) — The Lewis County Health Department was investigating an issue at Weston Wendy’s on Wednesday after receiving complaints about bed bugs.

Officials said a health inspection was conducted at the restaurant on Wednesday morning. No bed bugs were found during the inspection.

Wendy’s has contacted an exterminator to resolve the situation, according to LCHD.

The results of the extermination found no evidence of bed bugs or shelters, officials said.

The CDC says bed bugs do not transmit disease and are not considered a medical or public health hazard.

Employees and residents protested outside the restaurant Wednesday morning with one of the placards reading “Wendy’s has bed bugs.”

The owner of Wendy’s location contacted 5 News and said the restaurant has not and has never had bed bugs.

Tyler Nicole of 5 will have a full report on this in First at 5 and 5 News at 6 tonight.

People outside protested Wendy’s in Weston after the restaurant stayed open and serving food on Wednesday morning following complaints of bed bugs.(WDTV)

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