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Opinion: I would like to say a big thank you to Katie Dubow and the Garden Media Group for identifying some key trends for the new year.
Sasquatch sighting! Go ahead, add a little whimsy to your garden this year. jpeg
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We are all affected by the many changes taking place today, but what is fascinating are the trends that are emerging from these changes. In the gardening world, Katie Dubow, President of the Garden Media Group in the US, has delivered a series of talks on seven emerging trends that her organization predicts will have a significant impact in 2023.
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The essence of these trends is how we react in a world of uncertainty. According to Dubow, there seems to be a new sense of self-empowerment and self-determination. While we cannot control everything that happens in the world around us, we can control what we do and what we buy to align with our own values.
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There is a lot we can do in our gardens to support our food security, help wildlife, create habitats for pollinators and do many small things to be much more environmentally friendly. How we collectively decide to do things is how trends evolve and it’s an interesting process. Dubow has identified these trends in seven areas.
Garden Media has identified the “Tesla effect” as the first trend. This trend is synonymous with innovation and technological adaptation. For example, the green industry has adopted electric and battery powered options more than other industries. There has been a clear move away from petrol-powered equipment, away from electric mowers and battery-powered leaf blowers.
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The color of the year 2023 is terra cotta, such a rich, warm tone to add to your garden. Minter country garden
Consumers of garden products have also switched to omnichannel shopping and are visiting stores less. When they decide to shop for their gardening supplies, they choose larger stores where they can buy everything from a single source. They’re also looking for apps to help them succeed with everything from growing seeds to growing vegetables and perennials.
The “backdoor revolution” is the second emerging trend. What is really at stake is the housing crisis our younger generations are facing and the reality of living in rental units or, as Dubow points out, living in ADUs (accessory housing units) – small, self-contained units that either connected to or detached from existing houses. Many municipalities in the US are developing special zoning plans to allow for the development of these smaller units. This is where garden features like privacy plantings and innovative planting techniques will be very important.
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Very active members of the Boomer generation are now referred to as Super Agers. This group of seniors are acting like they’re 30 years younger, and they still play a significant role, both in the workplace and as consumers. These people have always been very involved in the gardening world. They want to enjoy the benefits of gardening for as long as possible, but on their terms of accessibility. Dubow has dubbed this trend “accessible gardening.”
Despite the TikTok controversy in the US, the average user – of which there are over a billion a month – spends 52 minutes a day watching this platform. It makes a significant contribution to pointing out current trends, also in the plant world. Dubow has dubbed this trend “PlantTok.”
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Fresh herbs are hard to beat, and many perennial herbs can be enjoyed year-round. Minter country garden
TikTok is all about self-expression, and it offers information on everything from cooking, financial education, and investment tips to gardening advice and book recommendations. Two of the more unique trends that are growing in popularity are Gnomecore and WitchTok. Gnomecore offers coziness, self-care, the whimsical and the eclectic, and gardens filled with bold colors and textures. WitchTok is an ancestral exchange of knowledge and ceremonies passed down through the ages, including the use of herbs, magic and even witchcraft. Moon Gardens, another trend, are also on the rise.
“All Things Greek” is what Dubow calls another trend. Garden design is becoming a big trend, especially among the younger Generation Z. From stone walls, archways, statues and terracotta planters to an increased use of roses, box trees and succulents, these are just a few of the new trendy garden looks. Olive trees are a must in this garden style. Gravel gardens are also part of this Greek revival. Using more drought tolerant plants like grasses, perennials and shrubs is part of this xeriscaping design. Native plants also play an important role, especially those that help pollinators and wildlife.
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“Redraw the Zoning Maps” will be huge. Climate change is forcing you to rethink these cards. For both the cold and warm zones, the criteria are based on the average annual maximum and minimum temperature in a given area. In the US, nearly 50 percent of the country is at least half a zone warmer since the map was last updated in 2012. A new zone map is currently being created. This is a significant development that directly impacts the types of trees and plants that should be planted in each zone, making them more tolerant of changing weather patterns.
The Garden Trends Report named terracotta the “Color of the Year 2023”. This color brings warmth and an earthy tone to both interior and exterior decoration. Plants, like all the new orange shades of echinaceas and achilleas, would look great in our containers and garden plantings. This color choice goes well with the desert gardens that are very popular today.
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I’d like to say a big thank you to Katie Dubow and Garden Media Group for identifying some key trends for the new year.
As we grapple with so many changes that are beyond our control, it’s nice to see people of all ages and demographics making choices and taking actions that reflect their values and the needs of our environment. It’s sure to be an interesting year.
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