NAS Pax River Briefly Shut Commissary After Inspection Exhibits Proof Of Rodents | |


The following message was recently delivered by NAS Patuxent River.

PATUXENT RIVER NAVAL AIR STATION, MD – NAS Patuxent River will temporarily close its base commissioner for pest control measures starting May 20, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

“We strive to provide the highest quality of service to our customers through our commissioning system, and Pax River is no different,” said Emmanuel De Leon, commissioner, NAS Patuxent River. “To this end, we will cease commissioning operations to combat pest control and reopen as soon as possible so that we can continue the level of service our customers have come to expect. Officials from the Defense Commissary Agency and the Navy’s Public Health System are working diligently to resolve the issue so that the commissioner can reopen as soon as possible. “

NAS Patuxent River’s Navy Exchange will remain open with no interruption in service.

“We appreciate the patience of our commissioner’s customers as we address this issue,” said Captain John Brabazon, NAS Patuxent River commander. “Health and safety are paramount to our mission and we want to ensure them in all aspects of our operations.”

The inspector was inspected and it was found that there was evidence of rodents. As always, you should wash your fresh produce thoroughly and examine all packaging seals. While there is no evidence that food is at risk, if Commissioners’ customers are returning products for a refund, they can do so once the Commissioners reopen.

For more information about NAS Patuxent River, please visit and on social media