15 Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home
At a time when the gardens of victory are reviving, Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home gives tips on growing, fertilizing, watering and harvesting fruit trees, bushes and plants at home – even indoors
May 04, 2021
Food Gardening Network, editor of Food Gardening Magazine, has released a new giveaway showing how to grow fresh fruit at home, indoors and outdoors.
At a time when the Victory Gardens are reviving, there are simple tips for home gardeners growing their own food for growing, fertilizing, watering and harvesting fruit trees, bushes and plants indoors – including:
1. Peach Trees – Peach trees grow in zones 4 through 9, thrive in zones 6 through 8, and bear fruit in about two years. These trees pollinate themselves and can reach a height of around 25 feet.
2. Apple Trees – Typically grown in zones 3-8, some prefer the colder zones, e.g. B. those marked with “hardy”, which means that they prefer zones 3-5.
3. Meyer lemon trees – The Meyer lemon tree, like most citrus fruits, grows outdoors in zones 8 to 11 and produces fruit in two to three years. Temperatures below 29 degrees are the end of your tree. The good news is that many people grow them indoors, making it one of the easiest fruits to grow at home.
4. Apricot Trees – Apricot trees grow best in zones 5-8. They like a little cold now and then, but cannot tolerate frost. Apricot trees can be self-pollinating, but cross-pollination will produce more fruit. In most cases, they will bear fruit in three to four years.
5. Blackberries and Raspberries – Blackberries and raspberries are so easy to grow that many people have trouble keeping them out of their garden. Some strains like Prime-Jan and Prime-Jim are ideal for indoor growing.
6. Cape gooseberries (also called ground cherries) – Gooseberries are easy to grow from seeds and require full sun (at least 6 hours). You can supplement the natural sun indoors with a grow lamp, especially in the winter months.
7. Mulberry Bush – In the ground or with good potting soil and good drainage, these mini bushes can thrive indoors. You should prune them about every six months or you will end up with huge mulberry bushes.
8. Strawberries – Strawberries are among the easiest to grow as long as they get plenty of sunshine. They will spread out and take up space if you let them, but alpine strawberries have been known to thrive in containers.
9. Calamondin Orange Tree – The calamondin orange is tiny and tart, but this is also an easy-to-grow fruit tree. It tolerates the cold well and, in the right conditions, will bear fruit almost all year round, including indoors.
… and many more.
The Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home also walk readers through the best types of fruits and berries to grow indoors and outdoors, as well as tips on watering, fertilizing, and discouraging the wildlife to turn your hard work into a meal.
There is nothing better than the taste boost that comes from fresh fruit. For gardeners who have always wanted to grow fruits and berries at home but didn’t know where to start, this giveaway, Easiest Fruits To Grow At Home, offers readers the best fruit and berry options to grow indoors and out Outdoors, plus tips on watering, fertilizing, and discouraging wildlife from turning their hard work into a meal.
For those who love tropical fruits but live in colder climates, Easiest Fruits to Grow at Home helps readers choose the best fruits for their area. And if you want to plant a tree or two in your garden, learn how to pick the fruit tree that is ideal for where you live.
Gardeners can grow at home with the simplest fruits from the Food Gardening Network to start planning their own small berry patch or personal orchard in their garden. Whether it’s their first attempt at tending a fruit tree for harvest or if they are a seasoned gardener looking to expand their growing horizons, readers will find valuable information to help them be on the road to sweet success.
Now download the easiest fruits to grow at home.
About the Food Gardening Network: The Food Gardening Network was founded by home gardeners and home gardeners. The mission is to provide gardeners with tips, tools, advice, and recipes for growing and enjoying good food at home. During the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in 2020, it became clear that home-cooking gardening was becoming beyond a hobby for many home gardeners. The Food Gardening Network was launched in January 2021 as a comprehensive resource for gardeners of all skill levels with in-depth articles on planning, planting, caring for and harvesting home garden crops. The Food Gardening Network also includes easy-to-prepare recipes so home gardeners can enjoy the fruits of their labor in delicious, creative ways.
Contact: To request free press access to the Food Gardening Network or to speak to a member of our team, please contact Christy Page at Christy@Mequoda.com or (617) 217-2559. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest @FoodGardeningNW and on Facebook @FoodGardeningNetwork
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