Maintain gardening yr spherical with bulbs and associates


Kathy Grant
| What is growing

I study gardens on my daily walks. All kinds of gardens. I love the way people have incorporated different plant arrangements, design features, walkways, and garden art to make each space unique.

Lately I’ve been appreciating the pink amaryllis (naked lady) that happens to pop up from the garden beds next to the midnight blue agapanthus, the lily of the Nile. Just breathtaking! Out of my own curiosity, I started looking for more onions and actually saw very few.

Wanting to use more bulbs in my garden, I quickly searched for an onion planting table and found the Sacramento Bulb Planting Schedule compiled by the Sacramento Master Gardeners, which is a good study of most of the bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, tubers, and tuber roots that also grow well in the San Joaquin Valley.

A quick read of the onion list showed that September through December is a good time to plant 21 of the onions listed. The remaining eight bulbs are best planted in early spring.

Autumn planting

  • Allium bulbs: plant in September-November: for spring or summer flowering;
  • Anemone tuber: plant in spring, summer and autumn flowering in September-December;
  • Babiana tuber: plant for summer flowering in November;
  • Calla (white) rhizome: plant October-April for spring and summer flowering;
  • Calla rhizome (dwarf-colored): Plant October-April: for spring and summer flowering;
  • Crocus bulbs: make sure to pre-cool: plant September: -October for winter and spring flowering;
  • Daffodil / Daffodil Bulb: plant in September-December for winter and spring flowering;
  • Freesia bulbs: plant in September – November: for the spring bloom, naturalized well;
  • Hippeastrum tuber: (Giant Amaryllis): usually grown in pots. Water and feed regularly throughout the summer until the leaves turn yellow; Hold back water and allow plant to dry out;
  • Hyacinth bulbs: planted in November-December for spring bloom. Pre-cool in the refrigerator for at least 6 weeks; buy in September-October;
  • Iris: bearded rhizome: planted in September-December for spring flowering. Be careful not to dig too deep. Rhizome likes heat,
  • Iris: Dutch onion: planted September-December Flowers in spring: overgrown well;
  • Lily bulb: plant in September-October. Flowers in summer and autumn;
  • Muscari tuber: plant in September-October for the spring flower, wilds well;
  • Ranuculus tuber: plant in September-December for spring flower, soak tubers in water for 45 minutes before planting;
  • Scilllia bulb: plant in September-October for spring flowering, let stand for several years before lifting and dividing;
  • Sparaxis tubers: plant in September-October for spring flowering, long flowering period in early spring;
  • Tritonia tuber: plant in September-October for spring flowering, overgrows well, needs regular watering until the flowers wither;
  • Tulip bulbs: plant in November-December for spring bloom, pre-cool in the refrigerator for at least six weeks, buy in September-October;
  • Watsonia tuber: plant in September-October: for spring and summer flowering, the tubers can stand undisturbed for many years;
  • Zephranthes tuber: Plant at any time during summer and autumn bloom, can re-bloom if kept alternately wet and dry. It is best to plant in September-October

Planting in winter / spring

  • Amaryllis (naked lady): plant in February for summer flowering, flowering appears 6 weeks after the leaves have died in late spring or early summer;
  • Begonia tuber: plant in March-May, preferably in pots. Lift tubers when the leaves fall, store in a cool, dry place until spring;
  • Canna rhizome: plant February-April, can be grown in large pots, cut each stem to the ground after flowering;
  • Crocosmia tuber: plant in February, good cut flower, does not need winter protection;
  • Dahlia tuber root: Plant with the “eyes” upwards from February to May. When setting out tall varieties, the “eye” should touch the stake;
  • Gladiolus bulbs: plant in February-April for spring, summer and autumn flowering, wonderful cut flower. Plant every 1-2 weeks over 6 weeks for a longer flowering period;
  • Lily bulb: plants February-March for summer and autumn bloom, except for dry summer locals, provides moisture all year round;
  • Tigridia onion: plant in February for summer bloom, known as tiger flower, gophers love this onion;
  • Tuberose Rhizome: Plant in February-April for summer and fall blooms, blooms year after year in the Sacramento area.

So now is the time to buy bulbs for autumn planting. Be sure to choose firm, plump onions and avoid soft or wrinkled onions. Have fun planting!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer master gardener, we are now accepting applications for our 2022 apprenticeship. For more information, please visit our website at

Do you have any questions about the garden? Contact the San Joaquin UC Master Gardeners at (209) 953-6112. You can also find more information on our website