Lifeless rodents amongst points as meals companies closed


Three companies were shut down in May for food safety violations, including dead rodents in food prep and kitchen areas.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) says three shutdown orders were issued to food businesses in May for violations of food safety legislation under the 1998 FSAI Act and the European Union (Official controls over food legislation). Regulations, 2020.

The closure orders were issued by environmental health officers in the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Closing orders were given to the Kens Oriental Restaurant in Nenagh, Co. Tipperary; KC Catering at ABP Food Group, Kilbrogan, Bandon, Co. Cork; Your stop at NR Farranree (retailers), Farranree, Co. Cork.

Some of the reasons for the closure orders were: rodent activity including dead rodents under the freezer in the food prep area and under a freezer in the storage room off the kitchen; Rodent feces in a container in the food preparation area where food contact equipment was stored; Detection of rodent damage to pasta packaging; food rooms that are not kept in a clean and hygienic condition; Plumbing problems caused damage to the floor and caused water to build up on the floor; part of the floor was damaged and in unsuitable condition to be effectively cleaned; and falsified food safety records and the lack of a food safety management system have been identified, increasing the risk of food contamination and posing a risk to food safety.

The managing director of the FSAI, Dr. Pamela Byrne said that all food companies must take responsibility and commit to maintaining high standards of food safety and compliance with food law.

“Food inspectors continue to detect unacceptable violations of food safety laws in some food businesses. It is a legal requirement for all food companies to protect their premises from pests and to keep them clean.

“But inspectors regularly discover incidents of rodent infestation and dirty rooms that indicate a disregard for basic food safety management.

“Consumers have a right to safe food and we ask anyone who is concerned or suspects that a food company is showing unusual activity to contact us using our online complaint form at makeitbetter / and we’ll look into that, “said Dr. Byrne.

Details of the food companies that receive enforcement orders are published on the FSAI website.