Is Gardening Digging a Gap in Your Pockets? 7 Cash-Saving Tips To Attempt


There is no getting around it: gardening can be incredibly expensive. Even if you are a seasoned gardener, chances are you are still spending a pretty penny on new plants, fertilizer, and even mulch.

But gardening doesn’t have to cost that much.

Once you’ve adopted the frugal gardener’s mindset, you will likely see how little it actually costs to maintain a beautiful outdoor space. Here are seven money saving tips to help you have a happier garden (and a heavier wallet) this gardening season – and every season to come.

1. Use natural mulch

So that you don’t start thinking of mulch as a mysterious mix of distant magical forests, let’s remind you: it’s essentially chopped up trees, leaves, clippings, wood chips, shredded bark, and other organic matter. So you really don’t have to pay big bucks to get bags of the stuff, especially since you may already have some in your yard for free.

“Nature often gives us exactly what we need for mulch,” says Laura Duerenberger, Owner of the eco-minimalism blog Reduce, Reuse, Renew. “The two most common things I use in my own garden are clippings of grass in summer and leaves from trees in autumn. The autumn leaves serve as an insulator for the plants during the cold winter months and then become mulch in spring. “

Are you looking for something more robust than grass and leaves? Try arranging a free mulch drop with, a company that brings arborists and gardeners together.

2. Make your own compost

Similar to mulch bags, compost is another unnecessary expense for gardeners.

“Composting at home is not only good for the garden, but also for the planet,” says Dürenberger. “Food waste in a landfill is slowly broken down, releasing methane gas. Composting creates all the necessary components that are needed to break down food into beautiful, free garden food. “

There are a number of ways to compost: an outside container, an inside electric countertop composter, an outside cup, and more. The key here is to research what works best for you.

Not sure if you want to compost at home? See if your community has shared composting programs or try the ShareWaste app, which brings compost bin owners together with compost enthusiasts.


Check out: How to Build a Herb Garden Using Pallets


3. Collect rainwater

When you pay for water, we don’t have to tell you how expensive it can be to grow vegetables. But if you set up a small rain collection system, you may have just enough water to keep your plants happy, especially if it rains a lot.

“Be creative,” says Andrea Ballanti, Gardener and owner of Your Indoor Herbs. “It works wonders if you live in a dry area where it occasionally rains heavily. Water barrels can be placed in any outdoor area of ​​your home near your garden. “

“Remember, there are some places where water collection is regulated, so always double-check that you’re allowed to do it first,” she adds.

4. Support local farms

As tempting as it is to stock up on these cheap (and let’s be honest, half-dead) plants from large stores, they probably aren’t the best option – especially if you live near local growers.

“You almost always get better plants from a locally operated greenhouse or farm than from a large chain store,” says Remember joke, Gardener and co-founder of Seeds and Spades. “Local businesses tend to have a better selection of suitable plants for their growing area, and they were raised in the regional climate rather than being imported from far away.

“Also, local businesses tend to offer lower prices and better maintain their assets,” adds Witz.

5. Use recycled materials whenever possible

In addition to all of the money you spend on plants, you may find that you are spending a little too much on garden tools – like starter seed pots, plastic pots, and even garden tools.

“You can easily increase the cost of new pots and trays, but recycled kitchen items are a good free alternative,” says Gärtner Michelle Davies, CEO and Founder of The Best Ever Guide to Life. “For example, yogurt containers, egg cartons, and plastic containers made from fruits and vegetables can work great.”

Not enough garden tools? Join a local gardening group or a Buy Nothing group on Facebook to earn free points.

6. Let your plants become seeds

If you can resist the urge to peel your flowers at the end of summer, maybe you can just collect some seed pods and replant them next year.

“If you save seeds from plants you own, you can save a lot of money in the long run, especially if you grow expensive plants,” Ballanti says. “I love poppies and have hundreds of them, but I haven’t bought any seeds in at least five years. Once mature, each plant produces thousands of tiny seeds in easy-to-collect dry seed heads. Just harvest them and put them in an envelope that is ready for the next year. “

You can also just leave your flower heads intact and let nature take its course, spreading the seeds for you (ie letting your plants “sow”).

7. Shop for seasonal plant sales

This may sound obvious, but how many of us actually take advantage of these amazing local sales? From selling seeds in the spring, to selling bulbs in the fall, to selling plants all summer, there are plenty of opportunities to save if you only follow local organizations.

“In spring every church, civic organization, school and gardening organization seems to have a plant for sale,” says Gärtner Hillary Swetz, from Homegrown Hillary. “Usually the plants are donated by local tree nurseries or lovingly grown by community members with green fingers. They are a great way to support local causes and get great deals on plants. “