Insect substances specialist EnviroFlight expands R&D for beauty inputs


“Research and development are a central focus of EnviroFlight. Our research team and dedicated engineers focus on all aspects of insect biology and production, including genetics, immunology, animal nutrition and innovative technical solutions, ”said Liz Koutsos, President of EnviroFlight in a press release on the company’s newly announced facility project.

“As part of our growth plan, we are excited to invest in a new research, development and enterprise center in Apex, NC, and to join the Triangle Region’s robust AgTech community.” .

“With this new facility, we can continue to develop technologies that harness the potential of this amazing insect and fuel our growth in the alternative protein industry,” added Koutsos.

Beauty ingredients made from black solder fly larvae are in the works

“That amazing insect” that Koutsos refers to is the black soldier fly. An insect often used to speed up composting or to reuse waste stream materials for use as animal feed.

However, the new facility will focus on “expanding the knowledge base for alternative uses of black soldier fly larvae”. And EnviroFlight already sees potential not only in the animal health and animal nutrition industries, but also in cosmetics and personal care, where proteins from plant, animal and biotechnological sources are already widely used as ingredients.

There is no shortage of larvae available for EnviroFlight. The company operates a facility in Kentucky – the only one of its kind – that produces black solder fly larvae (or BSFL as it is known in the trade) on a commercial scale. It’s all about bringing the science, technology and relevant data to the level that beauty makers need.

Darling Ingredients and EnviroFlight are building a laboratory to better understand the potential of failure

Construction of the new EnvioFlight research and development and business center is scheduled to begin this month. and the new facility should be open and operational by early 2022.

The company selected Apex, North Carolina as the location for the corporate center and entomology facility, in part because: “This area in North Carolina is heavily focused on agricultural technology and research and is an ideal location to meet the needs of a growing company Regenerative agriculture company that carries out high-tech research on black soldier flies and their larvae, ”explains the press release.

EnvirFlight’s BSFL business fits in well with Darling Ingredient’s waste stream and upcycling approach to making organic ingredients. Flies that produce larvae for commercial use are fed with waste from food production prior to consumption.

And as the company’s site states, “We have the potential to be a significant contributor to efforts to keep food waste out of landfills and reclaim those nutrients so they can successfully get into the food chain” – and the beauty ingredient supply chain too, if Research and development at the company’s new facility is proceeding as planned.