How late can I plant tomatoes in Atlanta? Gardening recommendation from Walter Reeves


A: Fescue lawns are much preferred to be fed during the cooler months of the year: September to April. With fertilizer in the summer, fescue grass becomes prone to leaf problems. To avoid lush, pathogenic foliage, fertilize the fescue now in mid-May with half the amount recommended on the bag. Apply a ferrous product (Ironit, Ferromec, etc.) at the end of June. Start a normal fertilizing schedule every two months from September.

Q: I need advice on how to best cover the soil in my garden. It’s on the west side of my two story house and there are lots of tall trees, both of which block sunlight for most of the day. I don’t like to pour. We tried English ivy many years ago but it has taken over the entire back yard. I’m not a fan of pine straw, so wondering what other options you suggest. Roger Ignatius, Roswell