Hold Your House Fruit Fly-Free This Summer time and Save With the Katchy Indoor Insect Lure

Keep Your Home Fruit Fly-Free This Summer and Save With the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Summer can be a great time to enjoy the great outdoors, but it’s also the time when insects like mosquitoes and midges make a reappearance. Sometimes these pesky bugs end up in our homes – along with fruit flies – and we have to use fly swatters to track them down. Instead of wasting time chasing flies, consider a device that will do the work for you.

The Katchy Indoor Insect Trap can capture these little winged creatures without you having to lift a finger. This device, which comes in black and white, normally costs $50 but has been discounted to $45. However, if you clip the on-page coupon just below the price, you’ll get an additional 30 percent discount, bringing the total closer to $31.

Catchy indoor insect trap on white background

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap / Katchy/Amazon

By using the Katchy Indoor Insect Trap, you can create insect-free zones to keep insects like fruit flies, mosquitoes and mosquitoes away. It can even protect your plants from pests like aphids. The trap attracts the bugs with a built-in ultraviolet light and then uses the airflow to suck the bugs into the device. Once inside, they are glued to a sticky adhesive pad at the bottom. The product comes with four sticky tablets that should last you over a month, but you can also buy refillable packs (available for an additional $10 and up). You can also choose between two fan speed settings depending on your needs.

To get the most out of this item, the brand recommends activating it at night with the house lights off, and then placing it near areas where you’ll notice the most insects, like a fruit bowl or trash can. According to Katchy, it’s a good idea to give the device three nights to work. And if fruit flies are your main foe, the company suggests placing a capful of apple cider vinegar ($6) near or inside the device to lure them inside. However, it is important to note that this product is not effective outside and does not work on house flies.

Nearly 63,000 Amazon buyers have tried this, and many have found it useful for dealing with fruit flies indoors. “Bought this for my office after a recent fruit fly outbreak,” wrote one reviewer. “I left it on in sleep mode overnight and came back to find a dozen fruit flies on the sticky pad – which are definitely making more progress than the professional insect service or the little cups of apple cider vinegar that are placed around the office. Another user was satisfied with how this trapper helped him solve his mosquito problem. “I was skeptical because I know [mosquitoes] are not generally attracted to light like other flying pests, but in less than two days my house was light-free [mosquitoes] and even caught [three] giant flies my cat couldn’t even catch.”

Head to Amazon for this Katchy indoor insect trap deal and save yourself some trouble this summer.