Higher Houses: August gardening in preparation for fall | Higher Houses


KANSAS CITY, KS (KCTV) – It’s hot now, but cooler weather is coming. August is the perfect time to prepare our gardens for fall. If you’re stuck with ideas, here are some to get you started.

Chrysanthemums are great fall flowers because they come in all sorts of colors. Now is a good time to plant fall shade. You can instantly add a pop of color to your planters or gardens.

There are a few different mothers; Flower shop and garden. Florist mothers make great gifts, but you’ll want to plant garden mothers because they do better outdoors.

Now is the time to cut and trim too. This will help bring the circulation back to the roots of the plants and provide new energy for growth.

You can also divide your perennials, like hostas or lilies. Use a shovel to carefully lift the plants out of the ground, being careful to protect the root ball. Then you can cut it into pieces with a kitchen knife or spade to replant them asap.

Some perennials, such as ornamental grasses, can have a tendency to die out in the middle of the plant. If you split them, cut out the dead parts and discard them.

Finally after the weeds! In August, many plants will begin to form seeds that will become from weeds that will invade your future gardens. Wait for it to rain or water your garden gently so the soil is wet. This makes it easier for the weeds to be released. You can use your hands or a pickaxe to get them out. Make sure you preserve all of the root structure as weeds can grow back if not all of them are removed.

Once the weeds are gone, you can always throw away some mulch made from compost, leaves, or straw.

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