Get some gardening inspiration from these new e book releases | Residence & Backyard


Spring is coming and the urge to grow things. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, you will learn something from these new versions.

Gardening hacks, more than 300 time and money saving hacks

Jon VanZile, Adams Media. $ 15.99

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Level: Beginner and beyond

The garden bug hasn’t hit you yet? Veteran Gardeners Looking For Tips? “Gardening Hacks, 300+ Time and Money Saving Hacks” is for you, novice or veteran. Filled with 300+ tips and hacks that will inspire you or teach you some new tricks on how to grow your own salad from Roman varieties you would otherwise throw away, how to improve your soil with powdered milk, and how to make essential oils too Home.

Herbal houseplants

Susan Betz, Cool Springs Press, $ 24/99

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You have a green thumb but want to improve your game. Herbal Houseplants is a beautifully produced guide on growing herbs indoors and using your harvest in the kitchen, as a cleaning product, or as a craft. Betz contains not only basil and rosemary, but also more exotic herbs like patchouli and Corsican mint.

How to Grow Your Own Food, An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide to Gardening in Containers